AR-15 -- in New Jersey! -- whatcha got?


New member
Okay, let me tackle this from another direction, if:
(1) live in New Jersey
(2) are a regular civilian
(3) own an AR-15 bought new in the last 0-5 years
(4) own an AR-15 that you bought "complete" from the factory (not an assembly job)
(5) said AR-15 is still 'legal' in NJ if bought new under current guidelines
if you meet all the above, what AR-15 do you own?

I'm in NJ and trying to decide on/find an AR-15 that is NJ legal and figured it would be easier to ask what people are already legally able to get AND actually getting.

The only one I know of so far is the Sig 556 in NJ-compliant setup.

Pricewise, I'd like to spend $1000-$2500 or so, but I want to try to maximize the amount spent on the gun, and not on the markup.



New member
JG, if you dig up your old post, you'll find that "Colt Match" AR rifles without collapsible stocks are legal. Google it and it should be pretty evident.


New member
I'll can let you know in a couple of days. I'm in northern NJ and just this afternoon dropped a note off to my FFL (closed today) asking him to get me a DPMS LRT-SASS (I started another thread on that topic).

He, being an FFL and a police Sergeant, will let me rather quickly if it's not legal. I can't see why not though. NJ pistol laws are severe in that each pistol purchase requires a permit in addition to a valid firearms ID. But, long gun purchases seem to me to be somewhat ok. Could be wrong. I guess I'll find out when my FFL calls me.



New member
There's a list of items a long gun in NJ can't have two of... things like collapsible stock, bayonette mounts, pistol grips, flash suppressor/hider/threaded barrel, grenade launcher (as if that's common on a civilian gun) are on that list. I think since many AR15s have flash hiders, that's all you get and anything else on that list will make the gun non-compliant in NJ. Barrel lengths are also legally constrained for both rifles and shotguns. All NJ weapons seem to have a max capacity of 15 rounds, except shotguns which are limited to 6rds, I believe. Annoying, ain't it?

Thanks to my pal in the other thread for the listing... I got the rest of the info from the NRA-ILA summary for NJ.


New member
I combed through the latest Smith & Wesson 2009 catalog/magazine... they list 3 or 4 variants of their M&P15 that are NJ compliant. None have a flash hider; one or two have what looks like a collapsible stock, but is listed as a fixed stock (perhaps it's just screwed down?!?).

Anywho, my local gunshop said they've seen some Colt 6700 series in the past that are NJ legal. Their is also a Sig 556 which is NJ legal.

Unfortunately, as tough as it is to find these guns anywhere, it is harder to find them in NJ since the available models are even slimmer.

Maybe I'll wait long enough and the HK 417 will be made available... that thing looks awesome and I'd buy it in a heartbeat were it purchaseable.


New member Call Pete. He'll know NJ law and take GREAT care of you. But be prepared to wait. Long waits for ANY ar-15s now. Also try the "hometown" section of arfcom.


New member
After doing a *great deal* of research, I think that jg0001 is correct.

It also appears that most, if not all AR-15s are not legal unless purchased as "NJ compliant" which some manufacturers offer. The problem is, it is a very long wait for any rifle from the manufacturer these days, so a special build any time soon seems unlikely.

The big "gotcha" is the removable magazine. If the rifle has the ability to insert a magazine then it can also have only *one* of the following:

(1) A folding or telescoping stock;
(2) A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon;
(3) A bayonet mount;
(4) A flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor;
(5) A grenade launcher;

Since AR-15s are going to have a pistol grip, that would mean it could not have a flash suppressor (hider) which again, all or most do.

I've looked a the DPMS LR-308B which comes with a conventional stock and a bull barrel. The barrel does not seem to have a flash hider, and it does not appear to be threaded to accept one. (I believe it's not technically an AR-15.)

IMHO, that should make it legal in NJ. (no I am *not* a lawyer). :-(



New member
All the pictures of the NJ compliant S&W 15's I saw lack a flash hider. There ya go.

They are also impossible to find right now.


New member
Gotta get rid of all those bayonet lugs because of the rash of bayonetings that occur each year.

The bayonet lug prohibition always gets me.


New member
"Average" said it pretty good. And it's not like the local store is going to "rip" you while you could get a killer deal on the net. No such thing as killer deals on ARs or AKs right now. And virtually ALL the black guns on the net (auction sites, classifieds) will NOT be NJ compliant. You live in one of a handful of states (I do too) that still think "black rifle" means "bad rifle". There should be a discrimination lawsuit in that somewhere. OOOOPS!!!!! discriminating against black people is "bad". Discriminating against black rifles is "good". Damn! One day I've got to learn the ways of the world. Dumb as a brick I am.

If you REALLY REALLY REALLY want an AR, then GET IT NOW! Even though you might have to over pay a little for it. Whats an extra 2 or 3 hundred bucks? You can earn that back pretty quick.'Cause if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want one and you have the cash and don't get one now, you'll be kicking yourself if a year from now you simply CAN'T get one.

That said, if you don't ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY HAVE TO HAVE ONE NOW, then wait. Either you'll get one in a year or so at a better price, or you won't get one at all. Period. Only Obama knows.

But if you HAVE to get one, then call Pete at Legal Transfers in New Hampshire. You'll have to wait a while to receive it (like you will anywhere else right now), but he won't rip you off and he knows the laws and will work with you to get you a NJ compliant AR that will really make your D*** hard. Serious diamond cutter.

But if you get one......YOU'D BETTER POST PICTURES:D

Have FUN!
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Deaf Smith

New member
Sounds like the Remington Varmet AR would be compliant in NJ. Just use 15 round mags clipped together (jungle clips.) Silly laws but that's NJ. How about coming to Texas where we don't put up with that BS.


I've got the NJ compliant Bushmaster XM15-E2S Dissipator model; fixed full length A2 buttstock, flat top upper, no bayonet lug, no flash hider, ten round mags only.

Yes, we live in this God forsaken Nazi state. Good luck finding any AR at this point, compliant or not.