AR-15 belt feed conversion

Trapdoor Billy

New member
Fella in local shop was asking if this can be done, owner said he saw something a few years ago out of somewhere in FL., but has not seen lately. I told them I would ask. Is there anything like this out there?


Rob Pincus

New member
yes, It was demo'd at the most recent Knob Creek Shoot. Supposedly they worked the bugs out. I would've told you were to find info, but the NFA board I freqent is down right now. I'll keep looking. you might also check Small Arms Review Magazine

Trapdoor Billy

New member
Thanks Rob, that was quick. If you board comes back up pass info on please. I'm on the horn to the shop now with mag. name.


New member
The Army had a few belt fed 16's but they all ended up trashed... I believe they were for APC crewmen. Since the adoption of the M-249 and the APC GUN PORT version of the 16, the belt fed model was left behind as one of the many ODDITIES out there. Kinda like the F-20 TigerShark. Okay, maybe not - the F-20 was actually a fantastic plane, just nobody ever bought one. But it is an example of an oddity. Wait... What was I talking about?


New member
Ares Defense manufacturing is producing one right now. You can't get pictures of it, because of patent reasons. I think they are supposed to come out begining of next year and cost around $1200-$1500 for the upper...

I think it takes minimi boxes.