AR-15 Barrel Twist Rate

Dave R

New member
If this is a varmit-specific rifle, I'd get the 1:12, because it shoots light varmit bullets better (under 55 grains.) But it won't shoot heavy bullets well.

For any other purpose I'd get 1:8. (1:9?) It will shoot bullets up to 70 grains.

If you want to shoot the really heavy bullets, then go 1:7. But 1:7 won't shoot the light varmit bullets well.

Claude Clay

New member
chase--a question, like i told my daughter, needs to be phrased clearly and completely if you want an answer that works.
for the answer to have meaning to you, you have to at least know how to phrase it. and i ain't gonna pull teeth to find
out what it is you are asking. as a 'for instance'

i want a bbl/rifle to shoot mostly at 100 yards and play 3-gun games. i may go to 2 or 300 yards a few times a year.what twist?

than the answer would be-1/9 or 10 to shoot 55gr. (least expensive also) and 62 or even 68gr. (maximum) for distance.

--change the question and the answer changes.

good luck & welcome to TFL


New member
Then get the faster twist rate and you can shoot the heavier grain bullets that will allow the best accuracy at longer ranges

Claude Clay

New member
know that the 1/7 or even 1/6.5 will do fantastic with the 69gr and up for 250 yards out to 5 or 600 yards.
the same bullet may at 100 yards not group well. YMMV

unless you reload, 69gr are costly.
reloading the 223 is a bi..., labor of love. but worth it.
know that the 1/7 or even 1/6.5 will do fantastic with the 69gr and up for 250 yards out to 5 or 600 yards.
the same bullet may at 100 yards not group well. YMMV

If 10 rounds of 52gr Sierra MatchKing go into 0.54" from a Krieger 1.7.7 barrel (and it will), then I think that will probably be good enough for most people, even if 1:9 might put them into 0.34" in those same conditions.

People talk about 1:7 not grouping the lighter ammo "as well" but nobody puts numbers on it so that new shooters can understand exactly what type of small differences are being discussed.