AR 10 in 260 Rem help needed


New member
I'm in the process of building an upper in 260 Rem and have a couple questions
1st what is a good twist rate for 120 to 140 gr bullets, this is for coyotes and hogs not long range target. Barrel length will be 18".
2nd who makes good barrels that won't break the bank?$250 to $400 range.
This is going on a DPMS AR 10 GII


New member
1:8 twist and X-Caliber barrels. I got my X-Caliber .260 barrel a few weeks ago. It's getting cerakoted right now so I have no idea how it shoots. But initial quality looks very good. I do have an X- Caliber in another chambering and it's a sub moa shooter and it doesn't collect copper fouling.


New member
My 6.5-06 is 9 inch and shoots fine, but my Savage 116 in 260 is 8 inch and shoots 100-140 into 1/2". 140's are long.


New member
A 1-8 or 1-8.5 twist will work just fine with those bullet weights. I hunt with a DPMS LR-260H and feed it a steady diet of 140 gr Sierra Gamekings. It has a 1-8.5 twist, all of my other 6.5mm rifles are 1-8 twist.


New member
I would look at going to 6.5CM over the .260Rem in an AR10. Have had both and the 6.5CM was more accurate and a LOT less finicky, especially with bullets 130 and heavier.


New member
I'm having some issues getting a barrel for my DPMS GII seems the new model has a different barrel extension. No one has access to the new extension and DPMS has not responded to my emails except to say keep an eye out as they are possibly going to be selling barrels. Not real pleased with their response. I waited till they came out with their GII only to find out it was changed so I can't re barrel. Also put a POF trigger in and the lower is not the same thickness as the older models so the pins are to long. I talked to the people at POF and they basically said to bad for you, no suggestion to help what so ever.
Make one really pleased you spent your money in good faith knowing if there was an issue you had a company who would work with you.


New member
But when used for hunting hogs and coyetes in Fla, why 260? .308 is the better choice for hunting especially on large hogs and if you're going with an AR10. For the bench and long range paper punching, 260 would be better than .308 but the 6.5 CM beats both of those. Maybe you want the 260 for less meat damage. Don't get me wrong. The 260 is fine for long range hunting and paper punching. But when I lived and hunted in Fla, I think the longest shoot I had was 200 yards. I carried a AR10 for while when hunting but dumped it for a light weight 6.8. Both that won't work on your on your lower.
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New member
I just put a Shilen on mine. It is a heavy, 24" 1:8. I just shoot paper but it puts 5 Sierra Matchkings or Barnes Matchburners into an inch at 200. I only reload. A .260 is every bit as deadly as a .308 and has less recoil.


New member
Ed308 I know what you mean I've seen a couple hogs here that are bigger then our deer:). At present we use a couple AR 10s in 308 and a couple guys have 223s which are to small. We are just trying different things at present one guy is going to put a 243 win upper on his AR10 and I just thought the 260 Rem would be a really neat caliber to try. I had one in a 700 some time back and like the recoil but twist was like 1/10 so didn't do well with heavy bullets.
Also most shots are very close well under 100 yds. as we mostly night hunt. You stated you used a 6.8 how did you like it? did you hunt hogs? how did it work? ( hows that for a mouth full of questions.