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New member
I offer my apology to Nosler Guy regarding my last post on Fast Varmint Loads. What I said was rude. I didn't need to be rude.


Yes you were.
Aplology goes a long way... Took a full grown man to post that in the open forum.

Semantics arguments are usually people trying to say the same thing different ways (discounting the truly wild claims).

I hope Nosler Guy stays with the forum.


New member
Good for you.
There's a few others who could learn from your example.
There's plenty of room for disagreement and opinions without antagonism.
Glad to have you aboard.

Nosler guy

New member
Appreciate it. I think we've all had a moment or two where we get a little carried away in a disagreement. Especially when it's about a something we love to do. We don't have any safe spaces around here so I suppose it's a good thing I have thick skin.

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Spats McGee

As it looks like the intent of this thread has been achieved, I'm going to close this one. Thank you for your civility.
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