Apologies for being a bit morbid


New member
My hopes and thoughts for all those affected by this tragedy.

I hope this isn't too early, but does anyone know what weapon and/or ammunition was used in the TN church shooting? Two murdered and seven injured at close range with a shotgun is surprising. Birdshot? Bad aim? Details are sketchy everywhere I've looked.

Mods please delete if you feel this is inappropriate.


New member
He just wants to know the fact, I was wondering myself. My heart goes out to those affected. And my continueing prayer to everyone touch by this worthless killing.


New member
I was just hoping that those of us who would only use weapons for self defense could learn something from such an incident.


New member
It is a legitimate question and can be answered with taste and tact. Virtually any high profile shooting brings up questions such as this and the answers can help people from law enforcement personel to private citizens make better choices.


New member
JMR I agreement with your statement. Yes it sad but there is some facts we can learn about and need to look at.


New member

That is #4 birdshot and not #4 buck, correct?

I looked up the Remington 48, it is a 3-shot semiautomatic. I had no idea he killed two and injured seven with just three shots.


New member
Birdshot,as the idiot tried to reload from a bag containing 73 more shells he was tackled and restrained with belts by church members.


New member
They should have just taken him out back for a little street justice. Why waste the time and taxpayers money on a person like that just to sit in jail, Costing the taxpayers $50,000.00 per year(if not more) to feed him and let him have color TV to watch himself on it.:mad:


New member
There is nothing wrong with knowing the weapon...knowing what you're up against. This is a firearms forum where self defense using lethal force is often discussed, don't be selectively sensitive. I'd want to know too.


New member
+1 for mikendbarb i'de say the same or better yet they know he did it just shoot him.If more states took that approach to something like this then the punishment wouldn't be so cruel and unusual.


New member
Knowledge is power but don't chase the ambulance to acquire it.
I would't call examining an indicent a week or two later "ambulance chasing". I don't know why people get so bent out of shape about things like this. It is no different than engineering tragedies (building and bridge collapses etc). Yes it is awful but what can we learn from this. This is the only way we progress.