APEX Kit Weirdness


New member
Hi all,
So this goes back some time but I just began thinking about it again. Some time back I bought an M&P 9 FS and an M&P 9 C. Both have manufacture dates of March of 2013. Not long after I purchased two APEX DCAEKs from the same vendor online. The install for the Compact went fine. On the Full Size I noticed something odd. The Compact ended up with a trigger pull of ~ 6 lbs. 2 oz. The Full Size ended up ~ 7 lbs. 5 oz. That's a pretty big difference when they should be roughly the same. Later on I did another DCAEK install on another Compact and ended up at ~ 6 lbs. 2 oz. This got me thinking about the Full Size.

I swapped the APEX trigger return spring back for the stock. The trigger pull went down to ~ 5 lbs. 5 oz. This seems mighty odd to me. Is it possible for the APEX trigger return spring to be out of spec? I did a complete frame disassembly and reassembly and got the same results. In addition, the pull on the Compact is very smooth all the way to the breaking point. For the Full Size it feels like something is rubbing. Both pistols have the APEX USB (striker block). I'm somewhat concerned something might be out of spec on the Full Size and that's what's causing the differences I am seeing.

Any thoughts?


New member
I have to agree it is not right. My sd9ve runs an average of 4.9 lbs.

Could it be that someone returned the kit with the wrong spring and the vendor restocked it?

Could it be mislabeled or packaged?

I bought mine straight from Apex and maybe that made a difference!

Either way I would call Apex, they will help you sort this out better than anyone I can think of.

Good luck!


New member
So I figured it out after some careful listening. I actually had an out of spec trigger/trigger bar assembly. The little dingus (idk the technical name) was not straight at its rear, it was on a slight angle. So when actuating the trigger the dingus wasn't clearing the frame correctly and was rubbing against the frame. I ordered a new trigger/trigger bar assembly and will let folks know how it goes.


New member
Glad you have it figured out. I left the stock trigger return spring in my wifes m&p9c as she wanted the 1lb lighter pull the stock spring offered. Stock pull weight with that god awfull stock trigger group was almost 7 1/2 lbs. After the kit install trigger pull was 4lbs with only dry fireing with the dcaek kit and settled to 3lb 8oz after a couple hundred rounds fired. Our install was using the stock trigger return spring, not the supplied spring. This is not a carry pistol but my wifes house and range pistol.