Apex 10-8 Performance M&P Base Pads

Uncle Malice

New member
Okay! So... got the Apex 10-8 base pads. They come in a 4-pack for under $40 from Amazon if you want them quick.

I was going to post this as a reply to TunnelRat's thread here, but figured this could kind of serve as it's own mini-review and can stand alone as well.

First impressions - they're very solid. They are plastic, but have a very rigid feel that almost feels like aluminum. Hard to quantify that, I guess. They have double security notches. There's one notch on the spring retention that drops into a hole on the inside of the base plate that doesn't come through the bottom, and then the split post which pops through the base plate to really lock it into place.

Installation is fine, other than once you get it on and basically into position, in order to get the split post to pop through, you have to load the mag with 14rds - can't fit the 15th until the post seats - and then hit it on a table/floor/hard surface so the pressure will pop it through. Seems weird, but that's literally how their instruction video says to do it... and it works. So whatever.

When I was looking at the available replacement base pads, I was going to order these and at elast one of the Vicker's style, as I wasn't sure what would work better on the compact mags. That was, until I found this photo of the Vicker's base pad in use on a compact and decided immediately against it. WAY too much lip.

The Apex base pads feel pretty good. Their semi-squared front provides a little bit of a lip around the front corners that vaguely remind me of the feeling of the Magpul magwell on the Glock 19. Just enough of a lip to feel like you're getting more leverage to hold your hand high up. I consider it a good thing. It doesn't stick out obnoxiously, and the 3 sides are scalloped for a nice, positive grip in the event that you need to rip a magazine out. There is a little bit of a gap between the bottom of the grip and the base plate, but it seems more uniform than with the stock base pad.

I'm going to run these for a little bit and see how they do. I suspect I will be keeping them on the 2 compact mags I have. If not, I'll definitely be putting them on my full size mags, as the stock bad on those are obnoxiously long and stick way out when used in the compact pistol.

I would say that upon initial impressions, I am recommending these. Give them a shot. I think there's no doubt that they are more secure than the stock ones. The question will be how you feel about the change in dimensions and feel. It seems like a positive for me.

Here are some pics.






New member
The way the groove on the grip and the new magazine plate don't line up is going to give me ocd. The baseplates themselves look like an excellent surface to get a nice solid purchase on the magazine when reloading.


New member
Yeah I imagine functionally they're great, but aesthetically I don't like them (one member in my thread has posted pictures too). However, form trumps aesthetics. I might poke the guys at Apex and ask for the possibility of ones specifically for the Compact.

Unfortunately for my little test my class today is outside on gravel. My mags so far show no movement in the basepads, but not concrete. If I'm not zonked tonight I could drop the new ones in my basement.

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Uncle Malice

New member
Ahh, I hadn't seen those other pics.

Yeah, the aesthetic isn't perfect, but I've been practicing a bit of dry fire/drawing drills and I think I like the feel. It seems to offer a good, solid hook/lip against the bottom of my hand when drawing. I think they'll be staying on. I've put the other 2 on a couple of my 17rd mags.... That fits way better, too. I might order another set for some of my other full size mags. They even work well with the adapter sleeve, though I don't really use them. For just over $30 for 4 of them, I think they're a good value, for sure.

I agree that it would be nice to see a compact style design that would work with the 2.0 compact or the 9c - as they are the same design. I like the idea of keeping a bit of a lip for a more secure feeling purchase on the compact size. That would be especially useful with a 2 finger grip on the 9c, I suspect.


New member
Just as a note, I ended up picking up a pack myself. I like them more than I anticipated. My only issues was after install 1 out of 4 had a crack in the baseplate. Called APEX and they're sending me a replacement, so good customer service.


Uncle Malice

New member
Nice! That's interesting that one of them was cracked. They do have good customer service, for sure!

I picked up the Apex Grade barrel for mine and I'm a little nervous about fitting the muzzle end. They said i can bring it by and they'll fit it for me.

Good dudes, and glad that they are local!


New member
I'd love having an outfit like them locally.

I remember seeing the accuracy tests of the Apex barrels. I was really impressed. I've been very happy with these barrels for accuracy so far but it would be interesting to see the difference. I don't feel like the Apex parts make as much of a difference with Gen 2 as they did with Gen 1 because I think the factory has improved. It becomes a question of if the difference is worth it to you, and that's hard to answer for someone else. These basepads do seem to solve an actual potential problem in my case.

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Uncle Malice

New member
Yeah. I don't think it was really needed for accuracy, although like you said, from the reviews I've seen... it seems to definitely make a notable improvement.

One thing that has always bugged me on the M&P's - both generations - is how short the lockup is. I think it's really just neuroticism... but I'm okay with that. If you push down on the barrel hood when in battery, with just the slightest bit fo rearward pressure, the barrel will unlock. The KKM I have does the same thing. I was hoping the 2.0 gave more lock-up, but it doesn't - and that's exactly what the Apex barrel changes.

That's really the reason I got it. Because I like long lock-up.... for no real reason I can articulate other than it feels better to me. *shrug*


New member
Nothing wrong with tinkering just to see the effect. Sometimes it's more interesting than getting a new firearm in the first place. I and I imagine you too have tried a number of things that I don't always keep doing. Sometimes just what I learned from doing that was worth the price of admission for me.

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Uncle Malice

New member
Yup, totally agreed. I'll report back when I get the Apex barrel installed and see what the results are. I kinda want to have it TiN'd as well, but we'll see.


New member
I'd like to hear an update on the barrel when you shoot it. I'm having a hard time deciding between the p10c and m&p 2.0 compact.