AOL poll on AWB


Oh, now there's a good way to get an authoritative poll. Let only AOL subscribers vote. :rolleyes:


Moderator Emeritus

FWIW, tyme, the good guys are winning all three polls.

Maybe our side could do as good on a 1337 h4XXoRz board?

"Dude! I think we should all be allowed to own BFG9000's!"
"BFG's?!? That's so 1990's!" :p


New member
If you don't have AOL....

This morning:

Do you think the assault weapons ban should be renewed?
No 53%
Yes 47%

What's your opinion on gun control?
I'm for as few restrictions as possible 39%
I'm for some restrictions 38%
I'm for as many restrictions as possible 23%

Have you ever bought a gun?
Yes 63%
No 37%

Total Votes: 151,632