Anyone with Taurus 455 experience?


New member
I know that it has been discontinued, but does anyone have any experience with this model per accuracy etc. etc?


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I had one, a 4" model. I enjoyed it a lot. Sold it to finance a Smith, but wish I hadn't. I've heard all the stories about Taurus, how some are good and some are bad. I guess I got a good one, lol. As far as accuracy goes, it was ok. No problems, but not as accurate as any of my Smiths. Not a knock on the gun, just fact. About the only thing I didn't like was using the stellar clips. Overall though, I would buy another if I had the chance.


New member
2 inch version

I have one; have had it for well over a year. The 2 inch model. It is my "carry gun of choice". Over 1000 rounds through it now. Trigger job by competent gunsmith made it a pleasure to shoot.

As far as accuracy, I have never fired the gun from a rest as all of my shooting with it has been standing without support and mostly at 7 to 10 yards. The gun is more accurate than I am but even with my shooting it will take the center out of the target at seven yards.

I love the full moons clips but do not care for the factory porting of the barrel. All it seems to do is dirty the front sight.

Taurus sells a hard rubber grip that improves the concealment but it is hard on your hand(s). I would prefer adjustable sights but the 2 inch did not come that way and it would be a major job to add them.

I have a number of guns to select from but, as I said, it is my carry gun 95 percent of the time.

At the price I don't think you can go wrong.

Charlotte, NC


New member
I have the 415 in .41mag and it is one sweeeet shootin revolver. Mines the stainless version and I carry it quite ofter in the woods, on the farm and anywhere the large caliber might be needed.


New member
Thanks for the replies..........

About the only thing I didn't like was using the stellar clips.

How much longer does it take to reload with the clips, and, how sturdy are they? And, can one use "normal" moon clips also?


New member
Moon Clips

Clay, I LOVE the moon clips. Reloading is much faster than using a speedloader with a rimmed cartridge and your brass is much quicker to find and pick up. The moons that come from Taurus are kinda flimsy but are easy to load and unload; Ranch Products sells a much sturdier version but it takes some effort to load and unload.

I use the Taurus clips on the practice range and the Ranch ones for "carry".

You cannot use moon clips designed for the S & W .45ACP revolvers as they are six shot and the Taurus is five shot.

I fail to understand how anyone could not appreciate the greater speed of loading provided by moon clips and, with the ACP cartridge, you can taper the cylinder openings to make loading even faster.

Charlotte, NC


New member
John, the reason I didn't care for the moonclips was because of the time spent inserting bullets into the clips, and removing them after shooting. I don't necessarily look for speed when I shoot, so the more 'normal' use of the ejector rod on my other guns suits me fine. Being able to load all the rounds at once is the good side of using clips, and for some it's important... just not for me.


New member
I had a 455. I'm a shooter that has always handled recoil well. I consider my 29-2 fun to shoot and use it quite often.

The first time I took my Taurus 445 to the range and fired it, I thought I had broken my hand. Unlike the recoil on the SW 29, the recoil on the 455 places all of the pressure straight back into the palm of your hand.

The clips are unlike the Moon Clips for my 625. They are a bit easier to load and unload because they bend. I didn't keep the gun long enough to find out what would happen when firing with a bent clip....



New member
Carl, thanks for clearing up your issue with moon clips. I bought a lot
of them and keep 25 of the moons loaded all the time. After a day at the
range, I start the cleaning process for the gun and while the cleaner is
in the barrel soaking, I use a 3/8 inch hardwood dowel to remove the
spent cases dropping them straight into the tumbler. For me, this
"system" works and, since I am a pretty cheap person, being able to load
quickly and collect all of my brass is a huge plus.

Bullrock, glad to see you are still around. While the factory moon clips
supplied by Taurus are somewhat different, the ones I bought from Steve
at Ranch Products look just like the ones I have for my 25-2s - except
for 5 shot vs 6 shot.

In any event, my experience with the 455 if all positive. When I respond
to an alarm call, the 455 is the gun I take with me; when I go out with
my wife and friends, the 455 is under my shirt.

Some clothing hides and allows me to carry an extra moon clip in an
upside down speedloader pouch but in hot summer weather I leave it in the

It is only with the full power loads that shooting the gun hurts my hand.
When I shoot lighter loads, like 4 grains of 452 Winchester ball powder
behind a 185 grain Rainier JFP bullet, it is pure pleasure to shoot and
is extremely accurate. Neither the 455 nor my two 25-2 Smiths like
anything but Federal primers so that is all I use now.

Obviously others may have a different experience but of all my guns, the
455 is my favorite.

Charlotte, NC


New member
Hey John

I'm still here, flopping my chops. I'm happy you like your 455. It just didn't work for me.

If you ever, ever get a chance, try shooting your 455 against a 625. I know, the 625 is twice the price, but the performance is outstanding...:D


New member
I have two!

Bullrock, good to hear from you - I have two (2) 25-2 S&Ws - both have had extensive gunsmithing and triggers as smooth as you will ever see. One is magna ported. They shoot very well, but the N frame with 6 inch barrel is hardly a carry gun.

Have fun with the 625 - I do like the stainless but the earlier blued Smiths are beautiful.

Since the post originally inquired about anyone with the 455 I wanted to let the poster know that for me it is a great gun. Shot it again today and it did what it was supposed to do.



New member
I have a Taurus 455 Tracker 4" in stainless steel and love it. I shoot it quite a bit. Recoil is about the same as my SA 1911. It is pretty accurate but there are some loads it likes better than others. Using the moon clips is very fast. I also use .45 Auto Rim out of mine quite a bit too. Gives me another cartridge to experiment with. Really the only thing that I don't like about it is the looks of the factory rubber grips. They are comfortable, but very ugly. I am glad to see that Hogue is making replacement grips for them now.