Anyone watching Wild West Alaska

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Reality TV show featuring WildAlaska AKA as Ken... Ken used to be a active member here and many of us have gotten some really sweet deals from him when he posted here. I guess the show premiered in Jan. Anyone know how many episodes have aired?

I heard that this was happening and I was flipping channels and there he was. Ken in all his glory.....



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Ive seen it. Dont care for it. Some people there know what they are doing, some dont. Either way its not very interesting to me.


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I’ve watched it and if you just want to kill an hour I guess its ok.

On last week’s episode the managers were out of the office for various reasons. The remaining employees would not even answer the phone and didn’t want to wait on customers. Sort of seemed unprofessional and played into the negative image some have of the local gun store.


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It is funny and makes no bones that much of the show is intended to showcase the unusual characters in Alaska. Lot of the gun stuff is very unrealistic. Last night they built a .500 nitro mag on a 6 pound Ruger #1. Idiocy.


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Haven't seen this show. In fact, I haven't see any of the gun related programs such as American Guns, etc, etc. etc. being aired. Did they pull them all?


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I tried it for about 5 minutes. Too silly for my taste just like the other "reality" gun shows. There is no reality in them, all scripted and performed by people who can't act.


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Rifleman1776; We watched that show and my wife who knows little about guns said "Ain't that rifle kind of small for such a big bullet?" I was so proud. Maybe she does listen to me sometimes? I told her I didn't think the stock was strong enoughand it was too light weight. Low and behold it cracked. I am no expert on firearms by any means, but I have shot a few and looked at a lot more. Still, I enjoy the show, for now.


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I try not to nitpick as my wife and I watch the show. Having been friends with Ken and Hans for years and knowing most of the employees of WWG, I just shake my head and hope they all got paid a good chunk of change for being on that show.


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I really hate when these "reality" shows try to come up with something to have the characters do to try to keep the dumb viewers interested. Like the swear jar in that episode. Just idiotic. Or the bear/ex-wife story. Don't need it. The other shows like the auction/pawn/picker shows that I like to watch all do it to. I dvr them then skip the stupid fake personal drama parts and watch just parts I want to see. Skip the part about if you're going to your reunion, did they remember your birthday or other stupid stuff. What did you find and what's it worth? That's what I want to know. Although, I lost interest in the storage unit shows when I found out the producers were seeding the units. :(

Although, Wild West Alaska would be better with more Phred. :D
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Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
southjk said:
The other shows like the auction/pawn/picker shows that I like to watch all do it to.... Although, I lost interest in the storage unit shows when I found out the producers were seeding the units.

So... you probably don't want to hear that all those other shows are rigged too...


New member
It is funny and makes no bones that much of the show is intended to showcase the unusual characters in Alaska. Lot of the gun stuff is very unrealistic. Last night they built a .500 nitro mag on a 6 pound Ruger #1. Idiocy.

That was really dumb. For one, the .500 Nitro is a dangerous game rifle, so for who in the heck would you make a single shot dangerous game rifle?

Two, is it not the gunsmith's craftsmanship that should match an action and stock to the cartridge so the rifle is as pleasant and controllable as possible? There is a reason heavy double rifles were the natural home for the .500 Nitro.

This looked like a high school shop project to take whatever was in the parts box and make it work no matter how silly. How could a smith have any pride delivering anything so ill suited for a grand old cartridge?


New member
That was really dumb. For one, the .500 Nitro is a dangerous game rifle, so for who in the heck would you make a single shot dangerous game rifle?

.500 Nitro is whatever you want it to be. ...just like .30-06 is whatever you want it to be.

If every cartridge were reserved only to be used for its original purpose, .30-06 would only be a military cartridge. And, where would we be without it?
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