Anyone watch movie "Militia" on HBO?


New member
Dean Cain, Jennifer Beals - a movie where washed up actors go to die.

It was very disturbing - they showed someone who considers and disccuses the second amendment - basically as we do - in a very poor light.

The ATF agents were good and noble, although they did some things that were more questionable than in real life. (For example, after capturing the "bad guys" they ordered their "compound" fire-bombed.)

The bad guys had full-auto weapons always on fullauto shooting wildly in all directions without cover - the ATF agents fired in semiautomatic only.

The silencers on pistols were even smaller than hollywood standards dictate.

There was plenty of little calls for gun controls - for example the (incredibly rednecky/crosseyed) guy saying "come to my table at the gun show - I'll get you something special - and we don't need to do no background check, I know you".

I feel that people should watch this movie. I missed bits and pieces of it (how often do we all get to sit thru an entire movie without interruptions at home).

I would like to hear a critique of the film from someone who sat through it all and is more perceptive than myself.



New member
I watched ten minutes of this movie. It was terrible. I also saw the part with the quote that you mentioned. 'Milita-type' people were portrayed as ignorant, expendable, unbathed rednecks.

I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. The storyline was poor. The acting was worse. They also had mindless shoot-out scenes where the ammo never stopped coming out of revolvers, etc..I guess that's why I only watched ten minutes of it.

NRA Life Member
Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners(MCRGO)


New member
No, it pays to watch it.

I used to be, well, not an anti; but someone who didn't think much for himself.

I think that years ago I would have watched this and thought about what great guys the "good guys" (ATF) were, and cringed when I heard the evil terrorists talk of "liberty", or the constitution, or the second amendment.

Ironically at one point Dean Cain is pi**ing on an army major saying "gee, too bad the constitution doesn't let the military act on US soil - that's OUR job!!"

You may find the movie offensive; but I urge you to watch it and tell us what you think. It provides good insight on the demonization of the gun culture - remember that the MAJORITY would watch this and sympathize with the anti-second sentiments, and possibly shift further toward gun control.


Jeff Thomas

New member
Battler, what you say is, unfortunately, too true. (haven't seen the movie, but I'll watch for it)

Live and let live. Regards from AZ


New member
I watched this movie last night. I couldn't believe it. I watched the whole movie and I couldn't believe it.

What disgusted me was the underlying message that militias were all up to no good and if you come over to the Naz.. I mean the side of law enforcement your life will be great.

I can't really recommend watching it for any other reason than to understand some of the propaganda many people are influenced by.


New member
That movie was outstanding! NOT! The one thing that might have made the movie passable is if jennifer beals went around topless, but nooooo.

I just loved how they ripped off the entire T2 scene in front of Cyberdyne Systems and didn't even bother to mention it in the credits.

Since when did the ATF have apaches and hueys with complete weapon loadouts in their motor pool? When did the ATF start issuing AK's?

The only part that someone did research on was when agent carter says that he used ".308 match, 168gr boat tail hollowpoint bullet over 46.2gr of powder" to shoot that turncoat militia guy with.


New member
That was the T2 scene?

That scene was wrong no matter what - every cop car he hit instantaneously got a "pattern" of bulletholes in it.

That HK he had would not have had 30 rounds in it - firing like that he would not have hit jack s**t.

Jennifer Beals topless? Maybe if YOU'RE into 50 year old one hit movie wonders.

The point of the hueys was "see all the GOOD the boys in black could do if they could get permission to blow up people's houses"?

All I got from the "reloading" scene was that anyone who reloads is basically a militia wacko too.

and clark kent said "I only use my gun as a TOOL - I'm not obsessed with them like you people" - and the militia guy said "it's not the guns, it's freedom" - ironically this too was meant, for the majority of the audience, to further demonize people who use the F word in this context.



New member
Yup that was the T2 scene where Arnie and Co. go to Cyberdyne to get the Terminator arm and CPU. The cop car had mulitiple hits because in T2 that is when Arnie opens up with the Minigun! IIRC they did mention 2 other movies they "borrowed" scenes from. Delta Force 3 and one of the American Ninja movies.

As for Jennifer Beals, well, uh put it this way, I ain't picky!


New member
Okay, T2 was good but. . . . .

Delta Force 3 "the killing game"
American Ninja 9 "the early years"


Man, they're recycling bad movies into other bad movies. This is not pretty.



New member
After watching a few minutes of it last weekend, I was ready to change it. After the Apache gunships started blowing up the militia compound I rated this movie as little more than an ATF wet dream and didn't see much point in watching any more. :mad:
Then my lovely wife pointed out that there really wasn't much else on and suggested that we goof our way through it a la Mystery-Science Theater. :confused:
As I am often scolded for making critical comments during movies, this was an attractive development. So we watched the whole thing! :D
It was even worse than I expected it to be, but we had some fun with it. I can't believe someone actually put up money to make a turkey like this. But judging by what's been coming out of hollywood lately, I won't be surprised to see a sequel someday!


New member
battler, I tried to contain myself but no good!

I invite you to rent, "The Four Rooms". Though JB isn't topless there is a good scene with her in a teddy. ;) This was not a "Hit" movie, but I thought her performance was great! The rest of the movie is also great!

Back to the topic, though I get HBO I did not watch it.


New member
Expect more and better made propaganda.

I expect something like "Lethal Weapon" only the main charactors are our heroic and philosophical BATF knights. They Crusade to save us from freedom and "terrorists".


New member
It is propaganda, and not very believable. Frightening to see the constitution flouted by the JBT's without consequence. Stacy Keach renews his Sgt. Stedanko character from the 70's (Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke) in this movie.



[This message has been edited by Ledbetter (edited August 11, 2000).]