Anyone want to take this bet?

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New member
There's currently a thread asking whether a complete ban on privately owned firearms during an Obama administration would lead to civil war. Folks, there's just no way such a ban could occur in this country in the foreseeable future.

I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is. I'll put up US$100 to the first taker: I'm betting that, if Barack Obama is elected President of the US in November 2008, that at no time during his administration (one or both terms) will there be a Federal law or Executive Order imposing a complete ban on the private ownership of all firearms in the US. If such a ban does not occur during an Obama administration, you pay me US$100 when he leaves office, regardless of the manner in which his administration ends. If Obama is not elected in November 2008, the bet is off.

We both promise to keep the other informed of our updated email addresses until the outcome is decided. We both agree to prompt payment by personal check via the US Mail. No escrowing of funds; we trust each other to pay.

I'll make the bet with the first person who agrees to these terms via private message. I'll keep your identity confidential if you like.


New member
Of course, if Obama is elected, after 1 term you can find $100 bills laying on the street where they were thrown by people tired of carrying around those worthless scraps of paper. If Barry is inaugurated in 2009, I'm running for Congress in 2010, anyone with an "R" after their name should be able to get elected that year, may as well be me. He'll do for Democrats what Bush did for Republicans regardless of what idiotic moves he tries with regard to guns, and he will try.


New member
A total ban on privately owned firearms? I won't take that bet. I would bet a mythical Andy Jackson that he tries to reinvigorate an assault weapons ban and a national handgun registry, however. That's if he is elected.


New member
More than 24 hours with no takers. OK, I'll make it more attractive.

I'll put up US$100 to the first taker: I'm betting that, if Barack Obama is elected President of the US in November 2008, that at no time during his administration (one or both terms) will there be a federal law or executive order imposing a complete ban on the private ownership of either (A) all semi-automatic firearms, OR (B) all handguns in the US. If neither such ban occurs during an Obama presidency, you pay me US$100 when he leaves office, regardless of the manner in which his administration ends. If Obama is not elected in November 2008, the bet is off.

Provisions regarding payment and contact remain the same.
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