Anyone use Hornady 380 dies?


New member
I've been having problems with the de-prime/sizing die. The rod/pin that pops out the primer retracts back into the die body effectively making it useless. Ive adjusted it and tightened it and as soon as that pressure is applied, same issue. Any cure for this? Thinking about just going and buying my trusty Lyman's!


New member
Are they Titanium dies? What you are saying is that there is so much resistance to the shell being resized that the primer pin is pushed out first. That sounds very strange. Are you using two wrenches to tighten the retaining nut? Have you tried lowering the depriming rod so far that the shell doesn't enter the die? If so what happens? Until you say otherwise I'm guessing you aren't using two wrenches to tighten. Pretty much have to do that.