Anyone shot the FN Herstal FNP9?


New member
I read a review on them (but, take that with the salt it deseves). They are supposed to be really nice. I want one, but its not happening. I have a PX4 on my list :)


New member
My friend has one that I've shot once or twice. It's a solid gun IMHO. I thought the ergonomics were good, take-down is fast, I had no complaints about accuracy, perceived recoil was pretty low, and he has put a few thousand rounds through his without a single hiccup - not too shabby for a ~$400 gun. Having said all that, I certainly wouldn't spend more than $425 on it. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a quality pistol but can't afford to spend an extra $100-$200.

Speaking of cheap, excellent 9mm's - have you checked out the Steyr M9A1? :)


New member
Had a Browning Pro 9

I owned the Pro 9 which is the same gun, just has the browning name, had it for about two weeks. Bought a used BHP 9mm for the same money your talking $400, and it is not even a contest. The BHP is the definition of a perfect double stack 9mm, shoot them back to back and you'll see what I mean. The only advantage to the Fn 9 would be that you don't have to carry C&L like the BHP.


I believe there's a nice write-up in this months issue of Combat Handguns. Haven't really had a chance to read it though.


New member
Love Minwe

I picked up a FNP40 for $400.00. I love this gun. It has the best recoil of all my 40's. Back on target right away. Fits my hand well. Never a hick up in 500 rds. Great gun for the money. I compaired Browning with the FNP side by side and could not find a difference except $200.00 more for the Browning.