Anyone Shoot Uzis?


New member
Been really wanting one of these for a while now. I know these are copies of the original Uzi and I want to know how they stack up to the real thing. Same manufaturers copying the HK94 but in a blow back action instead of gas retarted rolling block action. All info will be deeply appreciated. josh
Uzi rules...

I'm a big fan of the Uzi, although there are many great SMGs available now and it is an old weapon.

The first thing that grabs you when you pick it up is the fantastic balance, compactness and 'lethality-look' of the weapon; next that it is heavy - Uzis are around 9lbs! That weight adds to the ruggedness and keeps it down during burst fire, which is at a modest rate of fire when you compare it to an Ingram or an MP5. The 32-round magazines are the best, but most of the semi-auto versions seem to come with a 25-round mag. The other sizes - 20 & 40 rounds - will also fit the Uzi.


  • Magazine into the grip - brilliant design because hand can always find hand. In the heat of battle one can get a new magazine in really easily.
  • The butt is clever, folding inside itself and is pretty steady once extended
  • Fire Selector is simple but sometimes a little stiff; you can jump straight to auto without thought
  • Grip Safety is a good idea; similar to the .45 pistol.
  • Cocking handle on top is a fantastic idea; the early ones were too small but the current one has a recess machined out of it to allow the line of sight to be viewed. It has a ratchet device so that if your hand slips off during the cocking action, you will not discharge a round by accident.
  • Stripping - really simple. Lift off the top cover [latch at the rear infront of the rear sight]; retract and lift out the breech bock and spring; then unscrew the barrel nut by squeezing back its retaining catch [under foresight] and slide the barrel out forwards. You can also take off the pistol grip by pushing out the pin at the rear and the butt comes off with an allen key.
  • Sights - simple post foresight that is zeroable and a flip rearsight.

The handling characteristics between the Uzi and the rifle would be very similar; the accuracy and target effect would be enhanced by having a longer barrel - it just doesn't look as mean as the real thing.

I hope this is the kind of info you were after.


New member
I used to have an Uzi carbine 'way back in the 80's. It has several major differences from the SMG which make most of the parts non-interchangable. As a carbine it is inferior to more traditional models of pistol caliber rifles, such as the M-1 carbine, the Camp Carbine and the 1894 carbine, due to a number of factors. These include weight, balance, and trigger pull.

Those of us Americans who want the SMG version can't go to Her Magesty's Royal Armoury and check one out like our friend British Soldier. For the SMG remember the $200 form 4 is not the big cost. Major expense will be the $6000+ to buy the gun itself. (This for a gun which costs The Queen about $500.)

So in that regard the carbine version has distinct advantages for an American who wants the Uzi look and doesn't mind shooting pie plate sized groups at 100 yards. Carbines can be had for less than 1000 dollars on a yellow form, but the SBR version is a little more plus the 200 dollar transfer tax for the form 4.

BTW, all Uzis are blow back action, but the carbines shoot on a closed bolt which is not interchangable with SMG open bolts.


New member
Thanks for the info guys. I'm thinking I'm still getting one... with about 5 hi cap mags I can have some serious fun with this Uzi clone. josh