Anyone See This Poll Result?


New member
A new poll supposedly shows that even gun owners and NRA supporters endorse handgun registration. Any comments on this article?

New Poll Finds American Voters Overwhelmingly Support Handgun Licensing And Registration, Criminal Background Checks


WASHINGTON, June 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- A comprehensive nationwide survey released today found that more than 80 percent of registered voters support licensing handgun owners and registering handguns, and fully 88 percent favor criminal background checks for all handgun purchases -- a critical component of a strong licensing system. The survey of 1,000 registered voters was conducted by the respected polling firm Lake, Snell, Perry, and Associates May 15-21, 2001 and has a margin of error of plus-or-minus 3.1 percent.
Also reported in this poll were attitudes of National Rifle Association (NRA) supporters toward specific new gun law proposals. The poll found that three quarters of NRA supporters favor measures such as licensing and registration.



Moderator Emeritus
Just because they may be the majority (and I think they are not) doesn't make them right.

Our country is a Constitutional Republic, which means that the highest law of our land (The Constitution) must be obeyed regardless of the opinion of the majority. Majority rule is mob rule.

The only way that any gun control laws can legally be passed is if the Second Amendment is first repealed.

Just try it...


New member
here's you answer

Later in the press release:

The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence was founded in 1978 as a nonprofit educational charity dedicated to ending firearm violence, particularly as it affects children. Our mission is to stop gun violence by fostering effective community and national action.

For a copy of the poll, please contact Blaine Rummel at 202-408-7560 ext. 118. The poll is a project funded by the Funders' Collaborative for Gun Violence Prevention. More information about the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence can be found at

And I know what the poll takers say, but I'm still not convinced that a survey of 1,000 people validly reflects the opinion of more that 220 million people.


New member
I also noticed that they used the term "NRA Supporters" rather than "NRA Members".

It is correct to point out that it matters not what the majority wants if what they want violates the constitutional rights of others. I would guess that if they had done a poll in the early 1800's regarding the people's support for or against slavery, the result would have shown that a majority supported it. That doesn't make it right.

The problem with polls like these is that our society has become so "go with the flow" minded, that no one bothers to point out that registration of firearms would violate the right to keep and bear arms. If you can license an activity, it is no longer a right. That has been decided by the US Supreme Court. These poll results are being used to forward the gun controllers agenda.

We also do not see how the questions were stated. This can have a big effect on how the question is answered.

Still, us gun owners need to constantly battle the negative perception that is being pushed by the liberal media, who are lapdogs for liberal gun BANNING (all "control" will lead to bans eventually as it fails to achieve the "stated" goals) groups and politicians.

Do whatever you can to present positive messages, attitudes, behaviours regarding firearms and the Second Ammendment. After all, no one ever said that keeping our freedoms intact would be easy.


New member
That is total bulls@#%, I should not have to get a license for a Right. Will I had to get a free speech license next.

Jay Baker

New member
What would you expect from the communistnazis?? The "poll" is cooked anyway, but asking 1,000 people (selected very carefully, mind you), if 280,000,000 American citizens should lose their Rights, is ridiculous for validity.

Of course, registration is for one reason and one reason only: to confiscate the firearms of the serfs and then establish the communistnazis' Great Brave New Marxist Socialist Police State utopia.

Molon Labe! J.B.


New member
Anyone with half a clue should know that the poll is bogus. If everyone was for registration, why did Al Gore back away from his position during the campaign? Why did West Virginia, Tennesse , AND Arkansas ALL go to Bush! Gore lost because of the gun registration issue plain and simple...

Most Americans don't know about the Billion Dollar boondogle of a registration scheme that Canada has enacted either. Canada doesn't have near the gun owners that we do and their plan is totally unworkable as it is...
