Anyone see Munich?


New member
If you read the book that Munich was based on, when Avner went to MOSSAD school they were taught to use the Beretta .22 cal The instructor was an ex-Marine who advocated its use for this kind of work.

A majority of the movie is detail oriented and agrees with the book and other documentation. However there are some scenes that are different from actual events and are "Hollywoodized" for maximum entertainment value. Gotta sell them tickets.

I dont think elite Israeli troops go pounding up stairs like a herd of buffaloes, and some other scenes that were for entertainment value.

Spielberg's message is that an eye for an eye isnt a good policy. If you read the forward in the newest printing of the book, you will see that Avner does not regret what he did and would probably do it again. Unlike the Avner in the movie.

Overall I think that the movie was done well from an entertainment standpoint, The message was off that Spielberg wanted to send when you consider the nature of terrorism.

here are some web sites that may interest you


New member
Under normal conditions I would not care if the entire Middle East dried up and died . BUT!!! Considering what happened their responce was more than called for . If you allow something like that to happen and do nothing you are only inviting repeats .


New member
The movie was okay, but I had a major problem with the message. That message is that violence begets violence, and I disagree deeply with that stance.


New member
I agree with what Isreal did, I would have done the same. Isreal has the best elite troops in the world.
I have gone to Isreal on vacation before and had many conversations with the soldiers over there and watched a couple training
vidoes with a friend of mine that is a soldier there.
And they have beaten every country that has invaded them.
Sounds a lot like the good ole U.S of A.
God bless America and God bless Isreal.
Thanks for the links, I'm going to definitely buy the book. I've been to Israel too, and it is truely a paradise that is hard to describe to those who have not went there.

I was in Haifa most of the time for the Baha'i gardens and locations, but I travelled throughout the whole country. Its simply beautiful.

And yes, they do have amazing troops and amazing training. We have a local agency here that sends its SRT/SWAT guys to a Mossad training camp in Israel once a year. They come back doing some insane stuff.


New member
No, but I did read some excellent books

Have not seen it and probably will not. I did not like the review that indicated that Spielberg "made the terrorists human" and do not wish him to have any of my money.

I lived through Munich - glued to the international news and remember the events as they actually happened. If you wonder about what took place may I recommend "One Day in September" (can't remember the author); "Vengence" by Jonas and "The Quest for the Red Prince" - again, can't remember the names but it was written by two people. The first tells the story in great detail; the second what took place afterwards and how it was done and finally, an excellent history of the pattern of terror that began in 1934.

A thoughtful reading of these three books will provide the reader with a pretty good understanding as to how we got to this point in history and what we can (should) expect from France and Germany.

The Germans refused the Isreali offer to bring in an experienced team; the Germans really screwed up the airport "rescue" with poor choice of weapons, no radio communations and general confusion. Very much unlike the usually efficient Germans.

In the hunt for the terrorists, the use of .22 semi-autos and sub-sonic ammunition is pretty well detailed as is the agent training.

Great reading.


New member
I had the same point of view... but the truth is they are human and there was probably some emotions. I know when I was away from home 14 months I missed my wife sumthin fierce. Also when sitting on the porch in front of the tent after duty hours we would discuss the war. For entertainment it is actually a good movie. I dont buy off on Speilbergs message about an eye for an eye when it comes to Terrorism. I dont think Speilberg was insulting to any group portrayed in the movie. He just had his eye for an eye message. Im not a big Speilberg fan but I gotta give him some kudos for this film. So catch a matinee which is cheaper.

Just do some research beforehand so you will know when its Hollywood and when its actual stuff that happened.
I don't think he really was trying to portray the terrorists as nice folks. Actually, on the contrary, it seemed to me that he was overly pushing the terrorists' bad image. No problem with me, those guys were scumbags, plain and simple.