Anyone see Flipped on MTV last night?


New member
Okay, first off we have to realize this is MTV, this is for context.

So they have this show, where people who have no concept of consequences get to graphically see the consequences of thier specific actions.

Last night it was guns. 1 kid liked to shoot in the air, the other thought that the guns made him a "badass" ready to take on ayone, and that he would drop anyone who messed with him

So they set up the first kid, and make the situation that he hit someone (A 15-year old girl) with a wayward bullet. He gets to see the dead body, blood, and deal with the mothers grief. They eventually let him in on it, but it seems to make a hell of an impression.

The second kid gets to walk around a hospital all day, and see gunshot wounds. The kid talks to one victim who appears to mend for some time. Later he "discovers" that the kid dies of his injuries. Later still, he gets threatened with a firearm, and supposedly shot (Last part was not believable).

Both shows were remarkably restrained in anti-gun messages. The primary message seemed to be that guns can cause serious injury, and that usage of them can have very real repercussion.

Ignoring the totally obvious dangerous nature of weaponary, its called a weapon, its supposed to inflict harm, I was fairly impressed, again considering it was MTV. It was rare for them to show people that its not the gun, but the idiots who cause injury.

Unfortanately at the end, the two say, "well I will never handle a firearm again" This, of course misses the lesson, but it was an improvement of the usual drivel

Thoughts? And sorry for the length

Master Blaster

New member
Consider the Source :barf:

They make their living off of Rap songs that advocate abusing women, doing drugs, and Bustin a cap in Da Man.

Rather hypocritical huh?


New member
Oh great, that's just what we need... MTV teaching people about firearms. SHEESH thanks for using scare tactics to creat another anti, MTV!!



New member
the other thought that the guns made him a "badass" ready to take on ayone, and that he would drop anyone who messed with him

They should have taken him to a range and shown him that old men can shoot better than him. Then give him a unloaded gun and sic a good hand-to-hand huy on him. See how long he could keep hold of that gun that makes him so 'badass'. :p


Moderator Emeritus
Actually made a point to watch it.

Thought it was supposed to be on at 10:00. Wrong. Turned to a Law & Order rerun on TNT, then flipped to Flipped at 2230. Watched maybe three minutes, decided that propaganda hasn't come that far since Triumph of the Will. Flipped back to Law & Order, finished eating my TV dinner, retired to balcony with pack of cigarettes and Heineken to continue reading Atlas Shrugged for restoration of braincells that may have been damaged through exposure to television.


New member
retired to balcony with pack of cigarettes and Heineken to continue reading Atlas Shrugged for restoration of braincells that may have been damaged through exposure to television

Ayn Rand does make for more stimulating entertainment than most anything I see on TV.


New member
Being a first year law student, the only time I get to relax is watching television. Not only do I read the material required, I usually have to read additional material to refute the unbelievable drivel I hear from both students and professors.

My sole point was that it was not that bad. Was it deep? Not by any stretch of the imagination? Was it propaganda? I don't think MTV knows any other way? But the show is premised on the real life consequences of ones actions. If we can get the argument to one of actions and consequences, that is one we can win. After all guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Ayn Rand is great, but one look and I know I don't have the time, although most reading would be re-reading


New member
This thread reminds me of a friend who once said he didn't like guns. I asked him why and he said, "Because 'The Cosby Show' said that they're bad."

"Ooooooooh," I replied. "Makes perfect sense to me." :confused:


New member
Didn't catch it. Was it one of those things that could have been taken as neutral or rabidly anti, depending on you outlook?


New member
finished eating my TV dinner, retired to balcony with pack of cigarettes and Heineken to continue reading Atlas Shrugged

TV dinner? People actually eat those things?

I'm somewhat interested in Rand, though I admit I haven't read her. From what little I know about objectivism, it sounds like a knee-jerk reaction to Kant. Maybe I'll get to some Rand when I have time.

The MTV thing sounds like it wants to deter kids from using guns, period. That's not the right message. All that production money could have run a dozen NRA educational programs that teach gun safety.