Anyone see CBS news tonight?

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Brian Bilby

New member
Rather was interviewing Clinnochio and started talking about gun control. Clinton was talking about the recent stuff going on and simply refered to is as progress and a step in the right direction, Then he applauds Smith and Wesson, spews the misinformation about he agreement and sticks up for Smith. Rather asked him "What about the charge that this was financial blackmail by the government?" and Clinton said not to his knowledge. More proof of Clintons lying and just how far Smith sold us out. When Smiths biggest supporter and main defender is Bill Clinton, something is seriously, seriously wrong.


SA Scott

New member

Isn't there also a provision currently on the books to punish or prosecute an FFL dealer who sells to criminals? If this is the concern, why not just prove it and go after the criminal dealers?

I guess I'm just thick.

SA Scott


New member
Yeah, I laughed when he said (to the effect): 'If it's true I had no knowledge about it.' Already making excuses.

- Ron V.


New member
I did not have sexual relations with that woman. I do not have any knowledge of the charges of financial blackmail of S&W by the government.


New member
SAScott, if there really were a provision within the law to go after criminals - Klinton would be in jail...


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!


New member
" I did not have sexual relations with Smith + Wesson. "....Bubba, commander in heat.

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev!." We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have communism."
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