anyone run into anything similar?


New member
Recently I was at a shooting range with my .30-30, .357, and .17 HMR, doing my best and shooting fairly well (nice conditions) at 25-100 yards. the guy a few stalls down from me seemed like he'd brought every gun he owned. he must have had everything from FAL's to AK's to .22's. with that large of a collection I figured he'd be fairly knowledgeable about guns and would be a decent shooter. he had a nice expensive double target stand with 2 full human targets on it. the thing that bothered me was that in the 30mins i was there, he was crosshooting the outdoor range, broke his target stand in about 4 places with the AK, and seemed like he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. also on several occasions I glanced over to see a gun leaning on a seat pointed in my general direction. Now I'm all for gun ownership and no restrictions on guns, but I really wished someone had watched this guy shoot before selling him these guns. It seemed to me like he had no education at all and had very little respect for his weapons. The reason i only stayed 30 mins was i was worried he might start shooting rocks at the 7 yrd range b/c he was shooting anything and everything on the range.


New member
Yes I have, lack of commen sense/manners is running wild in this country
I believe it was the Japanese who said "the nail that stands out gets hammered down" or something to that effect, our problem is we no longer
do that, the kid running wild in the grocery store is tomorrows shooting
range rude guy. I stay away from public ranges as much as possible.

Death from Afar

New member
It always makes me laugh when some git with a big fat guts argues with me about "the best combat rifle" at the range when he cant walk to the coke machine without panting and getting short of breath.....


New member
Preach on. I like the young fat "gits" that talk about combat **** like they've been there. Airsoft doesn't count.

Having never been in combat I keep my mouth shut as it's not my place.

Smokey Joe

New member
Poor gun handling

@ the public range @ which I shoot, the RO would have spoken--once--to your guy about keeping his muzzle downrange and/or the other gun handling lapses you mentioned. If the guy didn't shape up immediately, he'd have then been asked to leave. At this range the RO's word is law; that "asked" amounts to an order.

Once in a while the RO seems to overstep himself a bit in the control department, but that is the price you pay. Boy do I like having someone IN CHARGE.

I've been an RO. Sure you make the occasional mistake. Always make 'em on the side of caution, that's what he's there for.


New member
I've been to a gun range before with a friend there was a guy there that would fire a couple rounds then turn with his gun pointed in any direction to see if some one was watching. His finguer was still on the trigger with a live round in the chamber. I havn't been back to one since. I set up my own shooting range at home. Friends come over and shoot but I make sure they do it safely.

k in AR

New member
Every "Public" range should have NRA rules and enforce them !!!!!!!
The lack of such "common sense" only gives the enemies of our rights the ammo they need.


New member
K in AR ,I agree with you but would like to include ALL ranges whether public or private. I have a nice 100yd range on my property and used to enjoy having friends or relatives come over to shoot with me, but found that I was spending too much time arguing with them about common sense rules of firearms safety that I don't invite them anymore. Too bad of those guys is my Dad, a veteran of WW 2, and should know better.

k in AR

New member
ConRich, DITTO!!!
I too have a 100 yard personal range, very nice with good berms and I use to allow many friends to shoot there. But unhappily, no more. I just kept finding people shooting away from the berms, at the trees, rocks, or anything else that would splatter. Paper just wasn't good enough for some, even when it is free.