Anyone rent "Ghost Dog"?


New member
This is one interesting , entertaining, and realistic movie. Also a winner of the Cannes film Award. Anyone see it here?

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Ghost Dog?

Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (2000)

Ghost Dog, a down-on-his-luck hit man, gets hired by some mobsters to do a job, only to find he's been double-crossed. After realizing that he is the target of the next hit, Ghost Dog consults his bible, the Chinese warrior mantra known as the "Book of Samurai," to knock off each of his adversaries in unique and humorous ways.

This Ghost Dog?


New member
Yup, I saw it when it first came out, great movie. Forrest Whitiker is one of my favorite actors and a very under-rated one also, IMHO.


New member
Ghost Dog is one of my favorite films in the past few years...another underappreciated movie from the same director is "Dead Man", a black & white western...Johny Depp, Lance Hinreksen(SP?), Robert Mitchum...just a heck of a movie


New member
Dead Man is one of my all-time favorite movies. Cool to see someone else who digs it.

Anyone seen the David Mamet flick Heist with Gene Hackman? There's a cool firefight in it that smacks of Dead Man. With that awkward, stuttering and haphazard aspect to it...hard to explain.

Good movie.

- Gabe


New member
It was a kinda neat movie..
seemed a little on the self-consciously "too cute" side to me at time, but it was certainly an interesting ride.

... and I'll admit to doing a double-take when GD takes out a tricked-out Mini-14 as a sniper rifle. :D Guess he grew up on the A-Team as well as the Code of Bushido.



New member
Ghost Dog is an excellent movie. Lots of good gunplay, stuff to make you think.

I enjoyed the banter between the Ghost Dog and the French-speaking ice cream guy. Neither of them understand what each other is saying, but the always guess right about what they think the other is saying. (hard to explain, go watch the flick.)

Also enjoyed the sink scene. :D


AUGH!!! GOD DAMMIT, You shot me in the same place!

I didn't mean no disrespect. I didn't want to put too many holes in you.


New member
Great movie. I love the scene where he's sighting in one of the mobsters, but a bird lands in front of his scope, so he can't take the shot. Rather than batting the bird away, he gently removes it and holds it until it flies away. But by then he's missed the shot, so he has to drive up to the house and do things the hard way. Very cool action scene ensues.

Rent it. It's worth it. Jim Jarmusch is an awesome director.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Yeah, it's a pretty good flick. I thought some of the weaponry and especially the scenes of Whitaker "training" with the sword on the rooftop were meant to show that he's something of a wannabe when it comes to being a "real" samurai--but it doesn't matter, because he figured out the important parts and it made a big difference in his life.


New member
Ghost Dog, a down-on-his-luck hit man, gets hired by some mobsters to do a job, only to find he's been double-crossed.
Actually, his life was saved by a kind (?) mobster, to whom he pledges fealty like a Zi-Samurai ("one who serves").
After realizing that he is the target of the next hit, Ghost Dog consults his bible, the Chinese warrior mantra known as the "Book of Samurai," to knock off each of his adversaries in unique and humorous ways.
"The Book of Samurai" is supposed to be a Japanese text, but is fictional.

My favorite scene in the movie is when the mobster finally tells the rest of his crowd who this "Ghost Dog" really is. The Italian mobsters attempting to figure out what "Ghost Dog" means and discussing Native American names and Rap Music are most amusing.



New member
I rented it quite a while back. Good star, I second all the good comments about Forrest Whitaker (Robin Williams' sidekick in "Good Morning Vietnam"), he made the movie in my not-so humble opinion. The movie has good points and weak points, but I would still recommend it.


New member
The book that he was reading throughout the film was "Hagakure", which means "Hidden Among the Leaves". The author's name escapes me, but he wrote it past the samurai's golden age. The author never saw a battle in real life either. Also, I didn't think that the rooftop scenes were to show that he was a wannabe, just that he lived in his own world. If he was a wannabe, he would drive a dropped Civic, watch Anime, and buy his gear from mail order martial art warehouses ;)



New member
I liked Ghost Dog. It is most assuredly an entertaining movie.
With regard to the weapons of Ghost Dog, I thought that they were more indicative of 'I'm a hitman on a tight budget' than of 'I'm a mall-ninja wannabe.'


New member
Excellent flick.

The remarkable thing was the study of someone taking up a world view without a mentor. Desparate for some kind of meaning in life, GD discovers and devotes himself to the way of the samurai...but has no context or guidance to provide understanding or nuances necessary, the result compounding the tragedy.


New member
Guess I'll be the lone dissenter: I HATED that movie! The only redeeming feature is that my girlfriend and I rented it and she could console me. The only reason I finished it was to see if it got better.

Different tastes for different people.


It wan't a bad flick, surprisingly better than I expected, even though I thought Whitaker was good before I saw this film. I was surprised at the subtlety inherent in it, though, using something other than the distilled Way of the Go Rin No Sho.