Anyone owns/shot a 5" Raging Bull?


New member
Anyone here owns or shot a 5in barreled Raging Bull I would esp like to know how it compares to a 6.5" model in handling/weight? Does it feel any ligher, less barrel heavy?

I know 5in model is /was? only avail in .454 and .480 Ruger...
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New member
Why do you ask about the weight of the RB being less heavy in I assume .44 magnum?

Most .44 magnums are going to be heavier than say a snub nose 38 special, are you considering it for a carry gun.

Possibly a .41 magnum with shorter tube may be better suited for your needs as a carry gun. I've handled a Taurus tracker in .41 magnum and its tiny compared to a RB.

Though I really like the RB...a good revolver and accurate.



New member
Since it's a no so far, I'll chime in. I have a 6.5" Tracker and a 4" Model 44. Sights are identical as far as I can tell, but I'm a lot more at ease with the 4". The 6.5" has a lot of weight I'm fighting to keep the front end up, plus target acquisition is a lot faster on the 4" radius for me.

Either of them scoped would be a non issue, as far as aquiring a target, and accuracy as far as I can tell.

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New member
I know one dealer that has a 5” .480 that I see at every single gun show they are at. Since it is .480 they can’t sell it (I am assuming). Also one dealer has a .480 Ruger Alaskan. If I hade the money I would buy it, I hear the .480 Alaskan is rare.