Anyone own a savage?


New member
I just picked mine up. Im waiting for a 16x super sniper scope, mk 4 rings, and a farrel g-force base. But untill then. I cant shoot it! Im also awaiting some .308 reloading tools.
Ikm curious....The manual told me not to dissasemble the bolt assembly, and the trigger is all hidden by a peice of metal. I want to know how things work!
If my rifle malfunctions I want to know why!
So here are my questions...
*How dirty will this gun get? Ive only owned semi automatic rifles, and one pump duck shotgun. 10/22, ar15, and H&R 12ga. All VERY dirty guns. Since this gun isnt gas operated can I expect it to be ALLOT cleaner since the brass expands when firing and the gasses are sealed off from the action? Or does some dirt still find its way into the axn-bolt.
*The manual says not to dissasemble the bolt....Do any of you? My ar15 manual tells me not to go further than field stripping, but at least I know how to take everything off that rifle should something break, Or i feel like adding something new on.
*Is there some kind of animation to show me how this action works? Ar15 im very familiar with. Arfcom has ALLOT of helpfull walkthroughs that are VERY specific in terms of timing, how to looks for signs of high pressure etc... I cant seem to find any of these on Savage. All I want to know is how the action works. Mind you I know all of my firearms inside and out, but im used to the hammer connecting to the sear, hammer falls on a angle and strikes firing pin. Here I dont knopw how the FP is put undeer pressure and released. Since the FP is in the bolt I cant see everything and how they work with each other.
Maybe im weird, but I want to know how things tick!
Thanks guys!


New member
I have a Savage 12VLP in .223Rem, and it stays remarkably clean. I do clean the bore and action after each shooting, however, so there is no accumulation of crud. As for the bolt, I have never tried to disassemble it, and if I knew how and thought I could get it back together correctly, I might. I know of no animation for the action, but being a bolt gun, it can't be that complicated. You might want to head on over here for more detailed info:

You can use the forums for free, but just about everything else requires a paid membership. Lot's of experienced Savage owners and info.


New member
the bore would have to be cleaned : D Ill keep mine nice and shiny so I cann keep those groups tight :p
But Thanks for the website! Im just itchin to know how it works compared to other bolt actions.


New member
Check out

There are lots of folks there who routinely disassemble the whole Savage rifle changing out boltheads, adjusting timing, tuning triggers, changing barrels and calibers, stocks, etc. Some have as many as five bolt assemblies for their rifles, not because of defects or failures, but for different bolt handles and bolt heads (223, 308, H&H, RUM, PPC, etc).

Good folks.


New member
not very hard

first off,if you dont need to remove the ejector,that being said,take the screw at the rear of the bolt loose,remove the spacer and the handle,then slide the firing pin sleeve back and remove the cocking piece, the firing pin sleve, fp spring, and fp should fall out. next push the fp retaining pin out the side and the bolt face washer and locking lugs should come out of the bolt body.
(on reassembly make extra sure you set the washer and lugs back in the exact same position or it will cause problems)

on the bolt face to remove extractor use rag and cover as you push down and rearword on the claw of the extractor the detent ball, spring, and extractor should come out in a nice little package in the cloth, once again on ejector i personaly would recomend not removing it unless you need to replace it, its just a pain in the ass to fool with and the pin bends very easily.
this is from memory,
i did one a month or so ago and a few before that
if you run in to anything you cant figure out let me know and ill try to help ya,
let me know how it turns out, j


New member
here goes nuthin!

Im starting right........NOW, the allen nut is pretty tight, Leme go get a ]wrench to see if i can pop it out...
Nope, no dice. This suckers on there tight. I read that this nut is loosened, then the bolt is taken off. then the FPRP is taken out, then the tube, and FP assembly are removed. after that the cam pin is removed, and the bolt is taken out. I am used to my AR so I used those terms, but now I know how it works. And can take it apart if neccesary. Good enough for me! Still curiopus about the trigger though.... how does the action coenside with the trigger when its pulled? The sear jumps over the trigger skipping the depressed accu-trigger part...thennnn What? The sear allows what to move? How does that allow the FP to fall?


New member
have not got into the trigger......yet

cant help ya on the trigger,i have not broke it open yet, the local bass pro had a accu-trigger cut away,might curb your interest out a lil if you could get your hands on one,
also check these folks out
they post on the savage shooters site and they really know their stuff,
and yes the bolt on the rear is REALLY on there, factory uses blue loctite on the newer guns if im not mistaken,
hope i helped, j


New member
Mine is an old one. A model 340 bolt action in .30-30.
Heh.Me too. Neat guns. Also have a Savage Enfield No.4 MKI, but I dont think my experiance with either is going to help th OP out any.:p


New member
Have had 2 110's. The first was pre accutrigger and was a great and accurate rifle but sold it and got another 110 with the accutrigger in a different caliber. (should have kept it though I kick myself when I think about it)
My current 110 is an awsome rifle. It was inexpensive and plain looking but man does it perform. Its extremely accurate and I love the accutrigger. What model did you get?


New member
I got the 12 FV

12 FV 26" H-BAR BBL in .308 Winchester with accutrigger
REALLY like the rifle, The only thing I dont like about it is how crappy the factory stock is on it. I cant use a sling because the stock actually bends : / At least its free floated from the barrel right? It will do untill I get a new one mid-summer or so. Either way. Great rifle. The other think I dont like about it- I wish it came in matte black instead of blued metal. It will be fine though. I hear its a tack driver. Cant wait to order my mk4 rings, farrel g-force base, and super sniper 16x-42mm Scope :p FUN FUN FUN!
Beware paper with circles printed on it.
and deer....


New member
The only thing I dont like about it is how crappy the factory stock is on it.

I really like the laminated stock on my 12VLP. Perhaps you can replace that synthetic one with either a walnut or laminate from another Model 12? Give Savage a call and see what your option are.


New member
That would be awesome if I could get a laminated stock....this plasic one is terrible. If I cant get a wooden one from savage do you k now where I could get a nice synthetic for this? I really like synthetics.


New member
That would be awesome if I could get a laminated stock....this plasic one is terrible. If I cant get a wooden one from savage do you k now where I could get a nice synthetic for this? I really like synthetics. and both carry replacement / drop in stocks that seems to be very nice. I've got a wood stocked Savage, and while its a decent stock, if I were buying a new one I'd upgrade rather than put it in a Savage wood stock.

As far as clean it, after you shoot it, clean the bore, oil it and wipe it down. While I take the bolt out of the gun to clean and oil it, I do not take it apart.


New member
Leave the bolt alone. If you feel obligated to do something with it, flush it with zippo lighter fluid.

You want to put a dab of grease on the backs of the lugs every time you clean it. This will keep the lugs from galling.

Otherwise, it isn't any great mystery. Just shoot it.


New member
I wish I knew what makes the firing pin drop, looks like then the bolt is closed, it is licked back onto a grove on the bolt bodt, then the small metal sliver on the right side is pushed up when the trigger is pulled, allowing it to skip the notch and fly downward via the Firing pin spring. I want to know so bad! Just shot it isnt a scentence I can deal with :p
P.S. I wouldnt buy a savage stock. I would accept a trade for one, I would BUY something else nicer :p
Thanks guys!


New member
I'd be surprised if you couldn't get a laminated stock from Savage. Keep in mind that the laminated stocks are heavier, but generally stronger and less prone to warping in wet weather. The one on my 12VLP is both good looking and beefy, which really helps on the benchrest.