
New member
I'm looking to buy a new AR-15 in the next few weeks and wanted some input on DS arms gas trap carbine. Are they that much cleaner to shoot than other ARs.If not im buying a colt


New member
Gas Traps

I don't own the gun that you are talking about, but I do own a rifle with a similar set-up. I own an H&K SL8(sporter version of the G36 Assault Rifle). As far as I know it operates almost the exact same principle as DSA's gas trap rifle. The SL8 has the gas cylinder and plunger near the halfway point of the barrel. From this point a push rod extends into the receiver and pushes on the bolt carrier. When a round is fired it travels down the barrel to the half way point and gas is pushed into the cylinder. This pushes the plunger into the push rod (and this is where the gas is released into the atmosphere). The push rod moves the bolt carrier rearward thus unlocking the bolt and allowing the action to do its work.

The reason this system is far superior is because the gas and heat are not pushed into the operating parts of the reciever like it is in the traditional AR type rifles. This keeps the rifle cleaner and should make it last longer.

Besides the SL8 I own a Bushmaster .223 XM Modular Carbine. The H&K is waaaaay easier to clean. I'd say it takes about 20-30 minutes max. And the dirty parts are much easier to reach vs. the BM. If you have never cleaned a traditional AR..... well it sucks. Big time. I have special carbon scrapers, cleaning rod guides, chamber brushes, goops, extra strength Q-tips..... you name it. And it takes forever to clean b/c I'm pretty meticulous and there are lots of crevaces. I'd say it takes me like 1 hour plus every time. But I expect these new Gas Traps are just like my SL8. The only part that really gets dirty is the plunger.

As far as durability and reliability is concerned, I have owned 2 AR style rifles with the traditional gas system. Of the many rounds I have fired through them I have only had one FTF. The first one was an Olympic Arms and my current is a Bushmaster. I paid 799 for the OA (which had the FTF) and quite a bit more for the BM Modular Carbine (should have shopped around). Is the Gas Trap worth the extra couple hundred dollars? It's kind of a toss up in my mind b/c I've never really had reliability problems. But I have spent hours cleaning them. So I guess if you hate spending a lot of time cleaning then go with the gas trap. If not then buy a cheaper AR clone and spend the money you saved elsewhere (how abouta nice aimpoint and ARMS rig).


Some of the most reliable guns in the world are dirty, like the G3 and M-16.

That being said, if you want to your personal paper assasinator to be easier to clean, that's a fine idea. You'll just have to ask yourself if that is worth an extra $500 for the POF parts over the standard DSA AR.