Anyone near DC?

Steve Smith

New member
Mike, yeah, yeah...a guy witha rental car is usually willing to drive quite a ways if he has the time. ;)

I'll be in Alexandria, mainly.
OK, I'm in Fairfax. There are quite a few others around this area, as well.

Unfortunatly, though, I'm busy the next several evenings.

How long are you in town? Going home this weekend?

Maybe, if you're interested, we could get a quick trip in to the NRA Range.


New member
avoid any temptation to see the Georgetown DC "Halloween blocade".

the most prevelent costume is DC police officer accounting for 10 percent of the attendants
<7 percent of the crowd will be in a "Party Warehouse" costume
1 percent will be in a home made
the remainder are tourists & locals


New member
Hi Steve,

Welcome to DC. I'm a little farther south than Alexandria. I won't be able to meet you but enjoy your visit.

David Park

New member
I'm up for an NRA range trip, but I might be busy this weekend.

While in Alexandria, check out Potomac Arms down by the water on Prince Street. It's a neat place.


New member
I'm in the wretched hole known as PG county, but am willing to drive as far as the NRA range. How long will you be around?
