Anyone looked at Robar Alloy Extreme or CCF Raceframes for their Glock?


New member
probably so...I don't own a Glock, but I've shot one once or twice. I just thought it looked interesting, and since Robar is well-known, I thought they might be on to something...


New member

Been 'working' with a CCF frame for about a year; nice, but.....?

Robar does things right, but.....?

A GlockisaGlockisaGlock, ay?


New member
Thanks, that article from Real Guns pretty much answered my question. I don't really like Glocks anyway, but wanted something with easy upgrades from 10mm to 9x25mm, guess I will eventually look at a Witness Match or Limited instead. I don't like polymer frames because they all feel top-heavy to me. I was impressed how the CZ SP-01 shot more accurately out of the box than the Glock did after all of the custom work!


New member
Looks like a solution in search of a problem...
I don't know...

A lot of posters rail against Glocks, decrying "plastic guns" as a class. It seems as if their beef is not with the action or the layout, but the frame material. As if they would consider a Glock if they were only made out of metal. Well, here they go. This isn't plastic; it's metal. So, now how would they feel about Glocks? I, for one, am very interested to see how it plays out.


New member
plays like this:

Doesn't seem to alleviate the top-heavy feel as much as one would think.

The metal frames can break.

IMO it still feels like a Glock, although heavier. Mags still gotta fit, ay?