Anyone know this guy???


New member
Got this in my email today don't know if anyone has seen this picture before. I decided it is a good time of year to post it!


  • Santa.jpg
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New member
When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a red ATV, and eight mounted dead deer!

Talk about a rewrite of an old classic!


New member
When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a red ATV, and eight mounted dead deer!

Scorch your eyes are getting old, there are NINE dead deer!:D Can't see his head but if you look closely towards the front of the line far side you can make out a neck. Plus the first deer behind "Rudolph" far side has some extra points in his rack.


New member
Art wrote:

But, but, but, it says, "...TINY reindeer..."

Them ain't tiny.

yeah, those are huge! They should have used coues whitetails like the ones we have down here. I just shot a huge one and he wieghed 97 lbs field dressed. it looks like some of these mounts would get close to that with just the head and rack!!! :D
Anyway, the pic is now my desktop background and I will make sure to forward to those I know would not approve of this :D

Merry Christmas!!!