Anyone know the details in the Ratliff shooting?


New member
He's the kidnapper/rapist/who knows what else that took 2 girls in Kali.
Was reading about this and was amazed at the number of hit's it took end this (not counting the cut in the neck and hit with a whiskey bottle that he took). 17 rounds , multiple hits, got back up 2 times.

I'm wondering if the guy was huge? high? or lucky (non-lethal shot placement)? Were the rounds not effective because of placement, or no penetration after going through glass and whatever else. What are the sheriff's deputies issued? 17 rounds is 6 more than the law now allows the rest of us. I know, 2 guns. It's this kind of thing that makes me mad at the ban. Most times you don't fire more than 11, but every once and a while you need more!

Want to make it clear, that I don't think I could have done any better! Close range, reactive point shooting and not sure where the girls were (probably screaming). Tough situation and I commend the deputies for what they did.

Here's a clip of some stuff I read.

"As two officers approached, one on each side of the vehicle, the suspect reached behind the seat and rose up with a handgun, Chealander said. The deputy approaching from the passenger side saw the gun and fired through the rear window, even though at that point neither of the deputies knew whether the girls were in the Bronco or not, he said.

It seemed that Ratliff had been hit, but in an instant he again rose in the seat and turned and pointed the weapon at the deputy on the driver's side, and this time both deputies fired.

As the deputies started to approach again after apparently hitting Ratliff, the deputy on the passenger side of the Bronco saw that the girls were in the back of the vehicle. As one girl started to climb out the back window and the deputy tried to help the other out the passenger side door, Ratliff again sat up, aiming his weapon at the deputies, and both of them shot at him a third time, Chealander said.


New member
So far, I've seen three accounts of the shooting. So, no, I don't know the details. Doubt if the true details are going to be known for a while....


New member
The one detail I know for sure is that the bad guy is dead and the girls are (mostly) unharmed.

Knowing that, I'm willing to wait a few weeks or month or so for more info to come out.

Local (Atlanta) radio talk show host Neal Boortz reported that the Kern Co. sheriff publicly said, after the shooting of Ratliff, that they wouldn't have to worry about rehabilitating him and they wouldn't have to worry about the Supreme Court (presumably that last referring to the court demanding that the rapist be treated well). Boortz also has a "thank you" to the sheriff's department on his web page at (note: the page is there as of today, Sunday--if you try to look for it after today, you'll have to scroll down to the bottom and click on the link to the Aug. 2 archive).

Long Path

New member
Interesting, kdmoore--

I hadn't even heard that much about the shooting. Sounds like a fine shoot. I had heard initial reports that he had "run", but that may have just been referring to his attempting to elude the deputies by vehicle.

Thank Gawd the girls showed the good sense to STAY DOWN!

Shooting through glass is tricky, and I don't blame the deputies for using extra rounds, especially with the victims so close to the armed suspect. If anything, more shots would have clearly been justified. (though not mandated.)

I've already heard some speculation by some Cali talking heads that the deputies perhaps acted rashly, by shooting into a vehicle with the victims in it. So long as the deputies had a clear view of the suspect, I cannot possibly see how this position can be supported.

It's rare that one reads an account of such a justified shoot. The deputies that arrived should feel proud, and glad. I hope they can get past the darker feelings quickly.

El Rojo

New member
I live right here in Kern County and I was looking at the paper the other day and I could have swore I saw two bullet holes in the back tailgate of the Bronco, not too far from where the girls should have been! That seems like pretty good evidence to me that the situation was resolved by devine guidance.

I too have heard a few different stories. The Sheriff Carl Sparks said on Larry King Live that the one officer that fired the final shots did a double tap to the suspect's head at pretty close range to end the thing.

Even if there is a bunch of whining by anyone about what could have went wrong with this shooting, the fact remains, NOTHING WENT WRONG! A million "ifs" mean nothing when the fact is no one except the suspect was injured in the rescue. No matter how close it might have come, the sheriffs did their job and that is all that matters. I give it up to them.

I do know if those were indeed bullet holes in the back of the vehicle's tailgate, the officer shooting from the rear probably was pretty thankful about not hitting someone. I would think that would shake me up a bit.

Liberty Ship

New member
This is all hearsay, but I heard the Sherrif say on CNN that one cop approached the driver's window and the other was behind the vehicle. When TSHTF, the guy behind the vehicle engaged the perp throuth TINTED WINDOWS. After blowing them out, he saw the girls and stopped shooting and helped them out. Then the first cop administered a coupe-de-grace to the perp, shooting him twice more when he continued to be a threat.

Just what I remembered hearing that once and subject to verification.


New member
Liberty, that's pretty much what I heard, too. The deputies didn't know that the girls were inside at first.

Long Path opined:
I've already heard some speculation by some Cali talking heads that the deputies perhaps acted rashly, by shooting into a vehicle with the victims in it. So long as the deputies had a clear view of the suspect, I cannot possibly see how this position can be supported.

As dangerous as it may seem, it appears to me that they acted completely properly. By taking immediate action, they prevented what would have turned into a hostage situation. Had they known the girls were inside, I would hope that they would have acted promptly even then.


New member
Unless there is really good car tape of the finale, I doubt that we will ever see a complete and purely factual report of the incident.

End result......good.



New member
i really hate

That the fathers of the two girls didn't have the chance to cut his nuts off, stuff 'em down his throat, engage in a few well-known torture tactics before "offing" him....that's my only regret....



New member
All, I really didn't want to start a guessing game on what exactly happened, just wondered if anyone was in the know (coroners office, police report, etc.) But I'm content to wait.

CWL, this is my fear indeed, but I'm guessing that it was more a shot placement problem as they were pointshooting. Again it's just a guess, and I'll wait for the official reports to trickle through.