Anyone know Gary Condit's record on guns?


New member
Hey, research is my specialty......

Vote on an amendment that would block the use of funds provided in the bill for the purpose of implementing, administering, or enforcing the settlement agreement between Smith & Wesson and the Justice Department.

HR 4871: Treasury-Postal Appropriation Bill for fiscal 2001

Vote on an amendment that would block the use of funds provided in the bill for the purpose of implementing, administering, or enforcing the March 17, 2000 settlement agreement between the Smith & Wesson gun manufacturing company and the Justice Department. Among other provisions of the agreement, local and federal governments agreed to drop lawsuits against the company and Smith & Wesson agreed to make several changes designed to improve gun safety. As part of the agreement, the manufacturer is required to immediately sell all of its guns with locks, which will be built into the weapons within two years, instruct dealers to complete a background check even if it takes more than 72 hours or the sale is taking place at a gun show, and ensure within two years that their guns cannot be operated by a child.
(Amendment sponsored by Hostettler, R-IN; Bill sponsored by Kolbe, R-AZ)
Amendment rejected 204-214: R 163-50; D 40-163; I 1-1 on 07/20/2000

Representative Gary A. Condit voted NO.

Vote to pass an amendment that would make it illegal for anyone who commits a violent juvenile act to own a gun once they turn 18.

HR 2122: Background Checks at Gun Shows

Vote to pass an amendment that would make it illegal for anyone who commits a violent juvenile act to own a gun once they turn 18.
Amendment introduced by Rogan, R-CA, Bill introduced by McCollum, R-FL
(Amendment passed 395-27 6/18/99)

Representative Gary A. Condit voted YES

Vote to pass an amendment increasing the time allowed for a background check from 24 hours to 72.

HR 2122: Background Checks at Gun Shows

Vote to pass an amendment increasing the amount of time allowed for a background check done on an individual purchasing a gun at a gun show from 24 to 72 hours. The amendment also defines a Gun Show as anywhere 50 or more guns are offered for sale, exhibition, transfer, or exchange by 2 or more vendors.
Amendment introduced by McCarthy D-NY, Bill introduced by McCollum R-FL
(Amendment failed 193-235 on 6/18/99)

Representative Gary A. Condit voted YES.

Vote to suspend the rules and to pass a bill imposing mandatory minimum prison terms for crimes committed with a firearm during drug trafficking.

HR 424: Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Criminals Possessing Firearms Act

Vote to suspend the rules and to pass a bill imposing mandatory minimum prison terms for crimes committed with a firearm during drug trafficking. The bill would impose progressively greater sentences for possession, brandishment, or discharge of a firearm, and if the firearm is equipped with a silencer or muffler.
Bill introuduced by McCollum, R-FL.
(Bill passed 350-59 on 2/24/98)

Bill Status:
Bill Number: HR 424 - 105th Congress (1997-98)
House Passage Vote: 02/24/98 - Outcome: Passed
Bill referred to Senate Judiciary committee on 02/25/98
No further action was taken on this bill, never became law.

Representative Gary A. Condit voted YES.

Pass bill to repeal the 1994 ban on semiautomatic assault weapons

HR 125: Gun Ban Repeal Act

Passage of a bill that repeals the 1994 ban on semi-automatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feed devices. The bill also contains provisions to require every U.S. attorney in the nation to assign at least one full-time assistant U.S. attorney to prosecute armed violent criminals, and adds additional mandatory sentences to criminals who use firearms in a federal crime.
(Bill passed 239-173 on 3/22/96)

Bill Status:
Bill Number: HR 125 - 104th Congress (1995-96)
House Passage Vote: 03/22/96 - Outcome: Passed
No further action was taken on this bill, never became law. Bill died in Senate Judiciary committee.

Representative Gary A. Condit voted NO.

I can always get more if needed......


New member
ohhhh..... better get this one in there too.....

Pass bill to ban certain semi-automatic assault weapons.

HR 4296:

Vote on passage of a bill to make unlawful the transfer, sale or possession of 19 types of assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices.
(The bill passed 216-214 on 5/5/94)

Bill Status:
Bill Number: HR 4296 - 103rd Congress (1993-94)
House Passage Vote: 05/05/94 - Outcome: Passed
Placed on Senate legislative calendar but no further action was taken, never became law.

Representative Gary A. Condit voted YES.


New member
Thanks. Just as I figured, the "conservative Democrat" is a hypocrite in addition to being a philanderer and an obstructionist. Robert

Navy joe

New member
Hmm Cali dem, I bet he just adores RKBA!

"Record? There were no records, I never bought that gun, killed her then dumped her in the potomac. No way man, wasn;t there didn't do it, can't prove a thing! Oh voting record. oopsie, hey look there's OJ, you know he whacked the white girl! Hey gotta go"



New member
Never thought I'd say this, but it doesn't matter what he thinks about guns.

At a very minimum, he has conducted himself without honor. He has lacked the decency and honesty required to be an American representative.

He could be the most pro-gun politician in history, and he should still resign for obstructing an official investigation.

In fact, he could be the most flag-waving, freedom-loving, decorated veteran, former LEO, Eagle Scout representative we've ever had, and his conduct would still cry for his resignation.

I'd rather have an honorable enemy than a dishonorable friend.


New member
Don't look for him to resign anytime soon, unless he's wearing handcuffs while doing so. Next year he'll have his full twenty years in so he can collect full pension, ~$150,000 a year for the rest of his life.


New member

If Condit was:
the most flag-waving, freedom-loving, decorated veteran, former LEO, Eagle Scout representative we've ever had...

he wouldn't be cheating on his wife, lying to everyone, obstructing justice and generally acting like a liberal democrat.