Anyone Know a FREE place to shoot in so. florida


New member
Anyone know of a place to shoot in the east everglades? Anywhere around Broward co. fl. . The range is gettin expensive $10 per. person no matter if ya use 1 lane 0r 3 lanes:barf: (we usually have 4-5 people with us[me,wife,3 kids] and only use 1 lane (only have 1 gun:() so its $40-50 before ammo! help please!!


New member
I heard florida was difficult when it comes to looking for a good out door public range. From what I rememebr, I was reading about a good one up by Dixie County that is reasonable (I think). Don't take me as an authority on this. I was doing some research on outdoor Florida ranges a few weeks ago since I am looking into to moving there. Most of the ranges that I found are indoor and 30 or so yds. Theres a member in there that lives about an hour south east of Orlando and he shoots at a very reasonable outdoor range... Maybe he can advise you on where to go. Also check the NRA webpage, they have range listings state by state- that could point you in the right direction too.


New member
When you find one, let me know. It's hard these days just to find a range that will let you bring your own ammo. At least there are indoor ranges where you can shoot. It does get pricey, I'll admit, but at least it's available. I just can't go as often as I would like. I just picked up a .22 target pistol to try and save some money on ammo.


New member
There are a few near Orlando. Tenoroc is one. The problem with public outdoor ranges is that there are a lot of morons who have apparently never heard of the four rules that use them.

Also near Orlando, try

While it is a private, members only range, membership is reasonable at less than $200 a year for nearly unlimited access.


New member
I like American Indoor. They are very reasonable. I believe it is $8 per person unlimited time (if I recall correctly). They are located right off Pembroke Road and I-95. Big Al's is also reasonable. They are off of Hallendale Beach Blvd. west of I-95. I forget how far but it is at least a few miles off. You might want to check the phone book. Markam Park is the only outdoor range I know of in Broward or you could go to Trail Glades in West Miami. I don't know what they charge.

I think your only solution is to buy more guns so everyone can shoot! :D


New member

We usually go to revere gun range $10 per person. And the lady that owns/ runs the place is very nice. shes open till 9 PM there Phone # (954) 942-3777 older range with mechanical target senders i believe its 30 yards out. but who cares she's really great!:D not to many guns for rent.

American gun range is $10 per person also has electric target senders. i believe its 50 yards out. clean rifles OK (fragment only) shottys OK too.
staff is 50-50 depends on the day i guess. they do rent Ar's Ak's and pistols (there ammo) $12-$18 box of 50. .223 $19 box 20. $10 for pistol rental swap all ya want 9 .40 .45 glock, sigs... Phone # (954) 989-6968

Big Al's I believe is $8 Per hour per person never been there so cant say.

But what I'm looking for is a place to go out in the wilderness for free.

Thanks all for the info
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New member

We usually go to revere gun range $10 per person. And the lady that owns/ runs the place is very nice. shes open till 9 PM there Phone # (954) 942-3777 older range with mechanical target senders i believe its 30 yards out. but who cares she's really great!:D not to many guns for rent.

American gun range is $10 per person also has electric target senders. i believe its 50 yards out. clean rifles OK (fragment only) shottys OK too.
staff is 50-50 depends on the day i guess. they do rent Ar's Ak's and pistols (there ammo) 12-18 box of 50. .223 19 box 20. $10 for pistol rental swap all ya want 9 .40 .45 glock, sigs... Phone # :(954) 989-6968

Big Al's I believe is $8 Per hour per person never been there so cant say.

But what I'm looking for is a place to go out in the wilderness for free.

Thanks all for the info


New member
Palm Beach County Ranges

In Palm Beach County most ranges want you to buy their ammo... which isn't cheap from my experience...

So I don't go shoooting locally much...



New member
Yeah, I'm done with Palm Beach County ranges. They make you buy their ammo, and it's not always the best stuff. Some of my guns are a little particular and won't digest it. And it's not cheap.
I like Revere a lot, and the owner Eileen, is very nice. I've used them for transfers as well.
I have been using Arizona gun range in North Lauderdale. It's got good ventilation, lighting, and they charge $10-12 per hour. You can bring your own, and their range ammo is reasonably priced and of good quality. They have a very well stocked store as well. They have a wall of rentals that has to be seen to be believed. They must have 40-50 different handguns for rent as well as machine guns and rifles. Problem is there is usually a wait, and it's not unusual to have to hang out for about 30-45 minutes for a lane.
They also police the range very well to make sure people follow the rules. I saw them shut down the range on night when a group of guys weren't keeping the ammo between the barriers and loading magazines. First they warned them over the intercom, then two RO's came into the range, told everyone to put their guns down. They then proceeded to warn the guys breaking the rules that they could either follow them or leave. I didn't notice until RO's left that the one to the rear was carrying an Uzi. :)


New member
Thanks bill but 9 mo. till the 24'er. Thats funny cause thats how I learned to shoot (sorry channel markers) wasn't allowed to shoot if i missed. so....I don't miss;) (anymore):D

I'm lookin for a on land range. That's FREE just A spot even.

Thanks, Dave

GL and tight groups!!:D


New member

Some ideas for you. 1, Markham park is not free but it is clean and safe with a 100 yd range. Yes they have some strange rules and they are a bit anal about safety (not a bad thing, judging what some unsupervised ranges are like)
2, I've fired at Revere many times. You need to be aware that their ventilation system does not. I mean that there is essentially NO ventilation, save a fan to blow the lead dust around. I strongly suggest using a high quality mask to protect yourself from the smoke and lead fumes. Nice people there however.
3, On the West coast of Florida, just north of Fort Myers, is a public outdoor range that is essentially unsupervised. It has three or four separate ranges, set off for rifle, pistol etc. There is a small fee to use the range all day long.
This range has just recently been re-furbished and is very nice. You can rapid fire, to your hearts content.
4 There are a couple of local clubs with range facilitys here in south east florida. Most are for smallbore and or pistol. no high power rifle. I have not investigated them as they do not offer a 100 yd or more range.

There are no other ranges that I have learned of. If you find one, let me know so I can go and enjoy myself too.

Roger in Tamarac


New member
I've searched and searched and asked around, but have not found any free place to shoot in SoFla. If you find any, please share the info; I'll do likewise.