Anyone here have a MAS 36?


New member
I picked one up several months ago. Took a while to find some ammo. WHat kind of success are you having with accuracy? Any sources of ammo?
I shot the darn thing but can only get one round in at a time or it does not extract and feed another round. Any suggestions? Are there stripper clips out there for them?


Moderator Emeritus
Not yet, but someday.

Commercially-loaded ammo is available from FNM of Portugal, I believe...


New member
I have a MAS36 and a MAS49/56, both rechambered to .308. Southern Ohio Guns has French 7.5 ammo listed in their latest sale flyer at $7.95 for a box of 20 rounds. Their web address is . Phone number is 1-800-944-4867 to order and 1-800-556-3747 for questions.

Fred S

New member
Yes I have one. Prior to my owning it it, it was only dropped once. :D

(I know its old but I couldn't resist)


New member

Thanks for the heads up! :D

Fred S,

I don't think my rifle was dropped as there is nary a mark on it! :D