Anyone heard anything regarding this .22lr MP5 clone

Shooter 973

New member
MP5 clone.....

My youngest son (25) has had one on order from Impact for the last 3 months.
He E-mailed the makers in Germany yesterday and they said that they were shipping several "containers" of them with one or two here in the US in just the last few days. More on the way.
Called Impact today and they said maybe another 4 weeks or so.
When it finally arrives we'll shoot it and let ya know how it is. A lot of money for just a 22 semi-auto if ya ask me.
But then I'm old......(57)


New member
I heard from 2 guys that said there crap ...both had listed them on Gun broker less than 2 weeks after buying the guns ...I'm holding back til I get more feed back on the guns .


New member
Throw a cheap red dot on it and it's plenty accurate. It's probably the most fun package in my safe right now.

Edit: Holy crap, this thread is old!