Anyone heard anything new on the Sig 556


New member
In specific anyone hear what they final inital configuration will look like??? Or any plans for a 550 / 551 clone vershion?

I'm just steamed up as I was in a couple of shops the other day and got to handle a 550 and 551 --- both very sweet and by far better than that gastly 556 thing Sig has plastered all over their newest ads and so forth as if telling us it's great will make us believe it, the 550 is pre-ban and could be mine for "only" about 8k, the 551 is a recent import so it's LE only or get ready to do some explaining to the Gov boys.

Dang it's like some classic tragic play or the crying game if any of you have seen that movie... ok well maybe it's not quite that bad BUT CLOSE

How many are with me on this?