Anyone have the Beretta .25 ?


New member
I was wondering if any of you have a Beretta .25 ? I have several mouseguns but no .25. I often carry one of my little guns as a back up piece. If you do have the Beretta .25 what rounds do you carry in it? I thank you for your input.


Member Emeritus
Have a 25-year-old Jetfire single-action and a new Bobcat 21 double-action.
Both reliable.
Hornady hollowpoints.


I have a Beretta 950 BS, a Raven, an Ortgies Vest Pocket, and an old Gradoga. All in .25 ACP. The Ortgies and the Gradoga are most reliable with FMJ, while the Raven and Beretta feed Hornady, Winchester, and Glaser with no problem.

I'm a little hesitant to use the .25 ACP as a primary defense round. Having witnessed several shootings with it, I'm not at all impressed with it's ability to end a confrontation. However, in hot weather, it beats a hard look. :)


New member
I have had mine for about a year. Very reliable and fits right in your pocket. I had the Taurus copy, but didn't like the trigger. Beretta 21 is the way to go.


New member
Had a Jetfire that I got rid of- returned it to the gun shop. You see, it was "defective". Yeah, the extractor didn't work at all. :rolleyes:

Wasn't gun savvy enough at the time to realize THERE IS NO EXTRACTOR!!! Bozo move on my part. Of course, the gun shop guys didn't know enough to correct me. :D

That said, I would stick with the slightly larger Tomcat the NAA Guardian, or the Seecamp. I have more confidence in the .32 than the .25.