Anyone have Quick Load info on the 300 whisper.

Anyone have Quick Load info on the 300 whisper.

I am wondering what the muzzle pressure is with a 8" barrel 1-8"twist.

I am considering a Form 1 can, and trying to figure out the wall thickness of the tube.

I am thinking I will shoot mostly subsonic 220SMK's but would like the option of shooting some fast pills as well.

If anyone has some approximate pressure values it would be greatly appreciated.
For subsonic with that heavy 220 grain SMK bullet seated to 2.3" COL, try about 5 grains of Bullesye and work up toward 6 grains.

For lighter bullets, it depends which ones?

Zak Smith

New member
I think he missed the point of the OP.

For a 220gr SMK with 9.1gr H110 and 8" of barrel, QL predicts muzzle pressure 4775 psi, max pressure 39.7 kpsi, and mv 1111 fps. (This is very close to my subsonic load)

For a full power load using a 150gr hunting bullet, 15.8gr H110: QL predicts muzzle pressure 8985 psi, max pressure 49.6 kpsi, and mv 1655 fps. (This is a little under my full power 150gr load)
Thank you very much Zak. That is exactly what I was looking for.

Is that a mostly complete burn of H110? I was thinking more on the lines of "pistol" powders in the short barrel, but have not loaded any yet.

As always you have great info. I visit your website often.

Thanks again, your sharing is much appreciated.:)
Yup, going through too many posts too fast, and missed that the emphasis is on pressure. Are you looking for a load with a pressure limit for a supressor?

The 6 grain Bullseye load I suggested, if the 220 grain bullet is seated to 2.300" COL in the default case volume, gives 1073 fps, burns 100% in the barrel and has a muzzle pressure of 3908 psi. Peak pressure, though, is showing 46,858 psi, which is peak, and that's why I would work up from 5 grains.


What COL's are you using with the bullets?. At 2.3" COL I get 944 fps and a muzzle pressure of 5067 psi predicted for the 9.1 grain load of H110 under the 220 grain SMK, and the default case capacity only about 60% full, which is hard on consistent ignition with that powder. About 12.8% unburned powder.
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Zak Smith

New member

I am not sure if it's a full burn or not. I don't have access to QuickLoad at the moment (ask me on Monday). I normally shoot suppressed and don't really see any evidence of unburned powder. I am using H110 or N110 in order to cycle the action on an AR-15 SBR upper, using a 10.5" Noveske .300FB barrel. In a bolt gun you have more powder choice. In the gas gun, I need to maintain enough has pressure/volume at the port to run the action. This means a slower burning powder is needed; and actually 200-220gr bullets seem to be easier to get everything to work right than the 240. This makes sense because a heavier bullet causes the pressure to peak faster.

My OAL with the 240gr SMK is 2.16"

I actually get zero ignition problems. I'm using BR4 primers for no particular reason.
Thanks for great info UncleNick.

I am also very interested in the Bullseye load, I have never seen any other loading data using it. Are you using an AR-15 or a bolt gun? If its an ar does it cycle the action?

Has anyone ever used AA #5 or #7. I have seen data using these powders and wondered how the performed.

I would like to find a load that has a mostly complete burn in 8". So I can cut down on the noise level. Without getting way over max pressure obviously, and retaining good reliability and accuracy.

I was mainly curious about pressure because I always heard that 308 caliber suppressors were way overkill for 300 whisper. Making them much heavier than needed.

I have always wanted to form 1 and build my own suppressor someday, and I thought an ar-15 in 300 whisper would be a good choice. I plan on using a 8" barrel 1-8" twist, with the gas port in the pistol position, The can will be 1.65OD, and reflex over the barrel, and then extend past the muzzle 6-7". Making a overall length shorter than a standard 16" barreled ar-15.

I haven't decided on the thickness or tube material yet, either aluminum or stainless. Thats why I was asking about pressure. The pressure will also determine the style of baffles I will use.

Thanks again guys, your help is appreciated. One of these days I will drop the $ for quick load but I really cant justify it right now.

Zak Smith

New member
I am currently using our regular .30 cal can on my .300FB/Whisper, however, as you say, it is overkill. I believe you could use a pistol-style baffle design about 4-6" past the muzzle (given the fairly large OD of the tube) and it would be as effective as anything. At 1.5" OD my can fits inside the PRI float tube on the AR-15 upper.

Aluminum should be fine as long as you don't get it too hot with sustained fire. Reflex sections have much less "supression vs weight/length" than sections forward of the muzzle. But they are cool and once we get some extra time I'll make one up for my Whisper.

You have a noveske barrel right?

They have pistol gas port and they were tuned for subsonic correct?

Have you had any luck with faster burning powders?

How about Supersonic loads will the cycle reliably as well?

Zak Smith

New member
Yes. Yes. I believe it was designed to run subsonic ammo.

I haven't tried anything faster than H110/N110. I didn't have the AA powders on hand so I just went to the H110. I doubt if a faster burning powder would run the action, especially with 240gr bullets.

I shoot full-power supersonic loads with 125 and 150gr bullets and it runs the action just fine.

I just run an Encore for experimenting with rounds. Custom barrels for it are cheaper than a whole gun. If I decide I like something, then I look at a gun, but haven't got there with the Whisper yet.

The big bullets should run the AR better because they'll let a slower powder burn more completely when building pressure accelerating their large mass. That lets you get enough gas for the semi-auto mechanism, but more gas will lead you to bigger suppressors.

Zak Smith

New member
That is true to a point; however, a heavier bullet (e.g. the 240 in my example) causes the pressure to peak sooner than a 210 or 220.