Anyone have problems with ranier bullets feeding


New member
The last time I bought bullets, I got a thousand 230gr copper washed ranier bullets for my 45's. These bullets feed in all my 45's except my new Colt. I have tried different OAL and they still choke. The gun runs fine with Precision 230gr jacked HP's, but they are very short with an OAL of 1.215. Could it be just the slightly more elongated shape of the ranier compared to say a West Coast bullet. Would it be safe to seat the ranier as short as the HP's to try.

I appreciate your opinions on this.


New member
Bullet shape can have a significant impact on functioning in semi-auto's. Plated bullets will usually be just as prone to jams as plain lead. True jacketed bullets are a bit tougher and can usually overcome rough feed ramps. Most semi-auto's will be reliable with a round nose profile, but sometimes even these will not feed properly. Since your plated bullet load works in your other 45's, you may want to find out what is holding them up in this particular 1911, especially since you have already tried different OAL's. Check to see if different mags make a difference or if there is a problem with the feed ramp.