Anyone have pic of birdman jaded 50 kit


New member
I told someone about the jaded 50bmg kit from birdman weapons, and said I would send them a picture but there site isnt working and I cant find it anywhere. Did they go out of business or something?


New member
Oh no! Looks like his site went down! The only other reference I can find is here:

Not the whole ad, but it's the most I can find.

Funny, I recently found out that "Birdman" himself lives in my area. We conversed via email a couple of times about having lunch and going shooting, and then he dropped off the radar screen. Now his site's down. Hope the feds didn't haul him off!

Did ya hear about the hornet's nest Birdman stirred up with his "HoMeBoY" nite sites? Read about it here:


The addy I had is down as well.....I can't imagine them closing him down for a purely humorous approach to firearms.
I bet the Mayor Lazzori or what ever felt like a nit after seeing that the thing was a farce...most likely 2 Dr Pepper cans taped together with 100 Mile per Hour Tape and a flash light or something.

Imagine getting arrested for being in posession of a Birdman Jaded 50 BMG without the Serial Number propperly written on the butt stock :rolleyes:

What next :confused:



From what I heard, they didn't close him down. He simply decided to go down on his own. I owe the birdman many of the laughs I needed in rough times. On another board, I posted a pic of the Jaded 50 the day before his site went down. The problem is, I hotlinked it. If I had known it was going down, I would have saved a local copy. :(


That is sad, I too got a kick out of the $29 .50 BMG Birdman offered.
You can get the porn crap all day sent to you in email yet they run down the humorous gun site until they close.....Freedom of speech is great as long as you don't piss of the anti's of just about anything.....
