Anyone have Pachmyre "gripper grips" on their Smith J Frame?


New member
I carry a S & W Model 36 for CCW - love the pistol but am really developing a "hate" for the stock wood grips. I've been looking for something that will "feel" better and ran across Pachmyre's "Gripper Grips" for the J frame. I've never tried Pachmyre grips and was wondering if anyone on here had this particular model of grips on their J Frame? If so, your comments please.

I have smaller hands but it appears that they might work just fine. If I'm looking at them correctly, these cover the back strap a little as well as extend below the bottom of the grip frame? Is that correct?

Comfort while shooting?

I carry on the belt on the right side towards the back in a Bianchi holster. Right now, the wood grips work fine for CC and don't print. I'm not sure how much larger the Pachmyre grips would be and if they would print or not - thoughts? Usually I have a shirt with a shirt tail out covering or a sweat shirt or jacket. Like anything else, I know some like Pachmyre grips, some don't. I'm going for something that is going to give me a more comfortable grip and hold and not for looks - these look like they may work but would like to hear from anyone who has them on their J frame.

Any thoughts on these "Gripper Grips" would be appreciated. If you have a photo of them on a J frame that you could post, that would be great! Many thanks.

Dave P

New member
No experience with those, sorry.

But while I think Pachmeyers are great for shooting comfort, I would worry about them making the draw more difficult (due to the butt hanging up on clothing).

No puns, please.

Yankee Doodle

New member
As I recall, Pachmayr Grippers are a full size grip, with enough length for your pinky to wrap around. Too long for decent concealment.
Before I retired, Pachmayr Compacs were on my off duty model 37. Worked fine for me. However, being "on the job", I really didn't care overly much if it printed on occasion. It does.
I find that the best concealment for a J frame, w/ a 2" bbl is in my pocket in a Robt. Mika pocket holster.
Good luck with whatever you choose.


New member
I like the Pachmayer Compac grips better than the Grippers,,,

I like the Pachmayer Compac grips better than the Grippers,,,
For one thing, they are much smaller than the Grippers,,,
The Gripper is nice on my K-frame S&W's,,,
But feels large on the J-frame guns.

I have them on my square butt Model 34,,,
And my round butt Model 36.


One nice thing is that the square and round butt version,,,
Have identical outer dimensions.

This makes my square butt 34 feel exactly like my round butt 36,,,
Cheap practice with the .22 LR feels exactly like practice with the .38 Special.




New member
Thank you to everyone . . . and thank you for the photos.

When I ran across the "Gripper Grips" - the only thing I had to go on was the photo of the grip itself - I didn't realize they were so big. It looks to me like the "Compac" is what I'm looking for. I'll also check out the Uncle Mike's version

Thanks for everything - it's been a big help!:)

Arrond - thank you again for the packet you sent - greatly appreciated - can't wait to work on that one! :)


New member
I think you would like the Compac grips for the S&W 36. Almost all my J-frames wear them. Very nice fit for gun and me. Try them first and be done,good luck.
Yes, I've had a number of j-frames and did use that grip model. I liked it because it was a lot more comfortable and solid to hold, but it did add more bulk. This little bit of added bulk was unwanted in some pants pocket carrying cases. Presently I have just one j-frame, and the original grip is in place to minimize the size. I opted to keep the grip size to a minimum rather than having a better grab. I honestly never expect to fire the gun, so grip comfort doesn't seem to matter much. If I ever have to fire the gun in self defense, the factory grip would be suitable. Now, if I were to use this some day, say for a BUG IDPA match, I'd put the Pachmayr brand on it. Of course I'd expect the original grip to sting the hand after a bit of shooting.
I should add that I also use the Pachmayr Gripper, but it is on my 6 inch model 617. This .22 is sort of large and heavy. The Pachmayr Gripper, I think, is a little better choice over the factory original. It seems to fill the hand a bit better.
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New member
Not much of a fan of the Pachmayr on J, K or N-frames.
I like the Hogue Mono-grip on K and N-frames.
On my current J-frame, I have a Crimson Trace 105. It is the least comfy of the two (maybe three) sizes for J-frames, and even the standard S&W Goodyear isn't bad (compared to the wood hand-smackers).


New member
Use the "gripperr on all sideafrms.

The grippers are narrow in thickness and longer forward/aft direction.

The compact are thicker and shorter ( more rounded).

I like them and they ride nicely in the inside the pocket holster.

I recommend them.

Jeff #111

New member
I have the Pachmayr Compac Professional grip on my S&W Model 49 Bodyguard. The back strap is not covered by the grip so it's not as thick, but it still fills my hand better than the wood magna grips.


New member
Recently inherited my mom's S&W 37 no dash with original grips and after shooting it a few times I am looking for some new grips as well! My .44 Magnum Bisley isn't as hard on my hands as that little monster is!:eek::rolleyes:


New member
I rather like the feel of the now-discontinued Uncle Mike's boot grip. If your revolver has a round butt (you didn't specify and the M36 has been made with both round and square butts), S&W has Uncle Mike's J-Frame grips on closeout for a very reasonable price.

Another option you might consider is a grip adapter like a Tyler T-Grip or BK adapter. Rather than replacing the whole grip, these simply fill in the empty area between the frontstrap and trigger guard.


New member
In addition to the Pachs, the grip that Hogue makes for the Ruger LCR is now available for j-frames. Also saw an add for Ergo Grip now making grips for j frames.