Anyone have an LCP in Nashville / Murfreesboro


New member
My wife has a Bersa Thunder .380, and she's not thrilled with it. She spotted the LCP in the case at our local range/store, and found it interesting. Unfortunately, I can't find a range with one to rent.

I don't know if anyone's comfortable with loaning out a firearm for another member to test out. I realize that there's some risk involved in doing so. But if anyone has any ideas on how to make this a "safe" situation for everyone involved, I'd appreciate the feedback.

Both my wife and I have our Tennessee Handgun Carry Permits, so we've both been through a TBI background check - we're not going to do anything stupid to jeopardize our lives or the lives of our children. I haven't been a member of this forum very long, nor have I posted a great deal, but I have been an avid reader for a couple of years.

So, having said all of that, Does anyone have a Ruger LCP they'd be willing to loan out for a few days so I could take my wife to the range and have her give it a try before she buys one?

We have one (1) box of sacred .380 FMJ ammo left for testing.

Thanks for your thoughts/comments/help.

P.S. - I realize that this may be asking a lot, but just thought I'd give it a try.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
See that Handguns: The Semiauto Forum way up at the top of the forum list page?

That's where we're going.


New member
you are about a few months late bub, i just moved from livingston, tennessee to new england, i live close to nashville, i coulda helped you out.


New member
Nobody in their right mind is going to loan you a gun for a couple of days.

Try to meet up at a range with your wife and someone who has one....or just go buy it, it's less than $300 bucks.