Anyone have a Fixed Mag AR-15 (NY Legal)?


New member
I was wondering if any of you had one of the fixed mag options that are NY legal. I believe the gun becomes a toploader.

It would seem that the product these are using is the ARMagLock. My main question was, if/when I move to a free-er state, can this be converted back? I would think so, but I'm not sure.

Having a top-loading AR is a bit off the wall, but I do love my SKS, and on the upside, you get to keep the extended stock, flash hider, pistol grip etc, and wont have to turn the rifle into some monstrosity.

The sites selling them say they have been approved in NY, but I haven't gotten any solid information on that, or if this mod is considered permanent enough to be legal... Anyone use ARMagLock to stay compliant? If so, would you recommend me buying an AR-15 with one, or simply waiting about 6 months or so until I plan to move? Thanks guys. :)


New member
My generic answer to all questions Re: "AR now or later" is now. Now you have the money. Now, there is not an national assault gun ban. Buy Now. That can all change.

If I was in NY state I would purchase a NY legal AR, while I could and just assume it could be modifed to other states if needed. That is number 2.

What is number 1? I would buy some serialized lower receiver(s) and have myself on the books with the feds via local FFL for those items. There is no guarantee a future ban could take them away,but; it is the cheapest and best insurance anyone can buy. That is $50 per gun. Cheap.

Now that leaves a 3rd option, where you transfer the parts from the NY gun to one of the receivers when you move. You should not have too. Just saying these receivers are the best insurance you can buy.

Do not wait, do both. To be a bit rhetorical, at $50 a unit, why would anyone in your situation wait on the stripped lower receiver (assuming NY will allow that).


New member
It is a toploader. It can be converted back with some effort by removing the retaining nut over blue locktite but you still have the funky stock.

NY has bastardized the AR 15 so badly it's not worth buying one and is the reason I bought the Mini 14.