Anyone have a CZ Bobwhite?

I'm thinking of getting one, I just don't know if it will be 28 gauge or 20 gauge.

I've handled them, and really like them, but I hate taking a chance on buying a newly introduced gun without letting someone else take the plunge first. :)

So, anyone take the plunge?

What do you think?


Mike I havent shot one but I have played with them, sold a few, and know a few folks that have them...they are impressed



New member
I just don't know if it will be 28 gauge or 20 gauge
Get the 28. You know you want it. Shells are harder to find, but you're not going to fire enough to make it a huge factor. You could always start loading shotshells and scrounging around at Bull Run for 28gauge AAs (weren't there quite a few at the wobble stand this weekend?).

Get the 20 and you'll wonder about the 28 for the rest of your life.



New member
Huglu shotgun

I have a CZ bobwhite in 20g and 28g and very pleased with both. The 28g is amazing it does more than I imaged it could. Mine don't have high round counts but have been hunted with and shoot to point of aim. Huglu has been around a long time and it is told supplies compondents to some major named companies. They market in numerous countries and make different quality guns for those markets. It is my understanding CZ's has a 5 year warranty and DeHann has 2 year. I believe some some lower quality 3rd world guns got imported into USA at one time and thus the conversity. Wally world has the 28g winchester AA available.
Hope it helps


New member
i'm looking forward to reading those "horror stories." i haven't heard a lot, but what i've heard's good, and i'm hoping to get one of the CZ doubles in the near future... so it'll be good to check the other side of the coin.


New member
I went to that site, did a search for CZ and read some of the posts. Most were positive. None of the negative posts I read discussed specifics.



New member

I have shot doubles for 45 plus years and have owned most of the old american name doubles and some imports. My experience is that with heavy use they will require some repair just by design. The units with single trigger are prone to higher maintaince. The good is that they are fairly easy to repair.


New member
As to the post recommending, I've been through there with a fine-tooth comb researching for an O/U 20 ga. I narrowed to CZs until I gave a serious look at the DeHaan forum, which seemed perfect for what I wanted. Both CZ and DeHaan made by Huglu, but placing all factors together, I ordered the DeHaan which will be here in a few days. As to the suggestion that 50% opinion on Huglu runs negative, I must say that's REALLY news to me. I've spent hours reading about them, and reviews are overwhelmingly positive.


Hmmm, kay...

Just did a search for "CZ OR Huglu".

This is the first result which is right in point of topic:

Notice the title of the thread is "(CZ/HUGLU) Bad gun, Bad gun, stay away!"

Here are some more that are on topic:

Here's a 4-pager about "CZ Quality, Once and For All" - it's a very hotly debated topic, as I said:

This is from the 4th post in that thread:

I bought a CZ Ringneck NIB. After less than a box of shells, the saftey stopped working. Within 6 boxes of shells, the firing pin broke. Aside from this, the triggers were about 8lbs. Fit and finish was OK, not great, just OK. Sent the gun back to CZ and they replaced the gun with one with poorer fit and finish, poorer wood and case coloring showing white metal all around the edges. Now I have a replacement gun of poorer cosmetic quality than any I have yet to see. It's a gun I have not been able to sell and I don't want to shoot it because I don't have any faith in it holding up.

Although second hand information, a guy I shoot with on a regular basis has a DeHann 28ga SXS. It's now one year old and has had two firing pins replaced. Each time it went back to DeHann and after 4-5 weeks the gun was repaired.

This is from the 6th post in that thread:

Turkish guns are generally poor quality. How many times do we have to go through this.

There are many good, too. Like I said, about 50%/50%.

Here are some more threads:

From the second post in that thread:

You opened up a can of worms.

-some ppl will say use the search.
-some will say that is like comparing a yugo to a trabant.
-others will say they are about the same.
-some will say the dehaan is an order of magnitude better (site sponsor btw).
-CZ has a better warranty- which means nothing IMO. I prefer unwritten implied warrantys (like ruger's).

mostly your gonna get "save up you money and buy something else". I like them, but don't own one... I may try to get a beretta or an old winchester..we'll see. I like CZ-USA as well and hope they make it and continue to grow. I would be concerned that one day they drop huglu shotguns like a hot potato leaving everyone in the cold. look what happened to the semi-autos.

Here's one called "Anyone tried the CZ SxS Bobwhite?":

From the 5th post in that thread:

I wish I could say that I am happy with mine... (12 gauge Bobwhite 26") I want to like it. I love the look and feel of the gun when it's closed. It seems to point and swing well to me, but then I'm a noob.

-- My biggest disappointment with the gun is the amount of rust flake coming out of the area between the barrels. I doesn't look like metal left over from the machining process. I can't help but wonder if this is going to be an ongoing problem. It certainly is not confidence inspiring.

- The trigger pull on the front trigger is very sticky. This seems like a problem that could be solved with some fine emery cloth and is probably specific to my gun, but I don't feel like it's something I should have to live with in a gun that is one week old.

- The opening and closing action of the gun is pretty stiff and it doesn't cock the hammers until the last 10 degrees of travel. After a thorough cleaning and lube job the thing opens pretty well until that last 10 deg. but it requires a hand on top of the barrels to cock the hammers, and for shells to clear the receiver. I don't suspect that this problem is going to go away, though it might be better with the longer 28" barrels.

- One of the pins (listed in the breakdown diagram as the hammer spring plunger, which doesn't seem right) walked out the side about 1/8" during the fifty rounds I fired yesterday. It was easy to line back up which indicates to me that this is going to be another reoccurring problem.

What should I do about this. Should I expect the gun shop I bought it from to take it back now that I've fired it? It doesn't seem like something that's their fault (though they did recommend the gun to me).

Should I contact the manufacturer and see what they're willing to do? At this point I think the only thing I'd be happy with is a refund. This is a case where I like the design of the gun but it seems like the quality of manufacturing is not nearly high enough.

And so it goes. Like I say, there's a lot of good reviews's a few more:

This one is "CZ Shotguns: Good or Bad?":

And more:

That's most of the pertinent ones. :)

The bottom line seems to be that although you run a higher risk of getting a lemon, if you either don't get a lemon, or get the issue worked out, they are a very good, well-built gun.
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