Anyone have a Charles Daly AR?


New member
I saw one this evening sitting alone at a local store. I didn't buy it because I had no idea what it was. The gents at the store said that the only reason they still had it was because ... nobody had any idea what it was. After a couple hours of research I'm planning to head back in tomorrow to take another look at it. If I like what I see I'm taking it home with me.

This model is the DV-24 Match Target and varmint rifle found here at the bottom of the page:

I hate paying MSRP for something, especially a gun that might be slightly used, but in this climate that actually seems like almost a bargain. The only reviews I can find are very favorable, so if you know of something I need to know before heading out to buy it in about 12 hours, post up!



New member
I didn't even know Charles Daly had an AR till a couple weeks ago when I went to see my FFL to pick up a new toy. He had 14 of them setting there he had just gotten in. I looked one over pretty good and it seemed to be well made, fit and finish was real good.


New member
Is that the only AR brand they have in stock???

I maybe speaking from inexperience, but CD isn't usually on the high-end of quality. The 3.5 in semi-auto shotgun I owned and quickly sold, wasn't.

However, with a quick search, it seems they are the real deal. There is a Charles Daly guy on just about all the gun Forums broadcasting the pro's of their product.

I would say go for it. Be sure to provide a range report.

Also, if the price the store is selling atleast $200 below MSRP, I would laugh at them and walk away.


New member
I didn't know about the Charles Daly Defense until today. I've been getting the warm fuzzies from that same guy on all the forums. I figured it was just PR, but he's answering questions about other firearms and seems to be making good on repairs and information for guns they don't even sell anymore. Michael Kassnar is the name and his job title is president of KBI (not sure what it stands for).

I'm finding them for $1500-$1700 in some stores, but generally sold out. Then again, everything is still sky high. I'm going to take it apart tomorrow and check its guts, but I think it's a keeper. I'm hoping that it's the real deal. I couldn't just buy it on the spot without knowing though, that's not how I operate.

** Edit ** Yes, it's the only AR they have in stock. One other store has a Galil .223 and a doublestar ... that's it for this town.
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New member
Charles Daly

Is the rifle marked as to what country it is made in?? That could lead you to the original mfr.

Charles Daly is strictly a trade name. And over the years they have had so many different companies making their firearms that it is not even funny.

CD has had some of the highest made quality firearms, and they have had some of the lowest grade firearms. So to automatically discount the quality on a CD is a mistake. But I would definitely check it out thoroughly before I bought it. At one time their O?U shotguns were a thing of beauty. And their semi-auto shotguns were the same ones that Weatherby marketed(another trade name).

KBI is an importer. Kassnar was a name associated to the importer when I worked for Charles Daly(the company who owned the trade name). Tom.


New member
From what Mr. Kassnar is stating, their firearms are 100% american made. He said that Kassnar is his immigrant Grandfathers name.


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American Made

Are you saying that all CD's are American made?? Or just the AR's??

I can guarantee you that all CD's are not American made. When I worked for them, none of them were American made. Tom.


New member
The ARs are American made on doublestar receivers. I think that Charles Daly Defense is an offshoot of the normal company that just imports firearms.


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A writer and long-range guru named Zak Smith who every now and then visits here just did a writeup on one. I think it might have either been in Shotgun News or in a G&A Rag. Either way, they put the CD carbine through the paces out at the NRA's place in NM and the writeup was pretty good. Lots of rounds through it with no failures.

It may be off the beaten path in terms of AR names, but if it works...


New member
The CD rifles are a Double Star with a few modifications. A month ago you could get a DS for $799 - $899 and the CD was $999 - $1200. The Double Star guys were at the Machine Gun shoot and confirmed they are doing the Charles Daly rifles.

If you search the some of the other boards you will hear a lot of praise about the CD rifles. Funny thing is that I have yet to see one in any of the Louisville or Lexington gun shops. They must be out in limited supplies. They a probably fine guns, but I would say it may be a little harder to get rid of a used one since the Charles Daly name over the years has sometimes meant hit or miss quality. Just my $.02