Anyone had experience with Cylinder and Slide?


New member
I have a Smith & Wesson Model 27-3 4". It's strictly a shooter, not really a collectible gun, and I've put quite a few rounds through it. It has a red insert ramped front sight and a white outline rear sight. I'm not really happy with this arrangement, the glare that I get off the front sight keeps me from being as accurate as I'd like to be with the gun.

I've been to the C & S site and I notice that they offer a huge array of sight packages. I'm thinking about consulting with them about what might be a better system than the factories on my 27. Have any of you used them for gunsmithing work? How'd they do?


Member Emeritus
9 or 10 guns over ten years.
They've got some pretty good sight options.
Expect to pay top dollar and expect it to take quite a while.

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
I've sent a few guns there over the years. If you need cheap or fast, go somewhere else. If you need work done old-fashioned right, Cylinder & Slide will get it done.


New member
I agree with the last two posters. I own several guns they have built for me, although they are primarily an Automatic shop as you can see from their website. I have one of the few recovers they did as a custom model, and it is superb. I also have one of Bill's 45ACP versions of the Colt Hammerless or Pocket 1908. Full size, of course and a slick, unique model. You can go to them with complete confidence, but it is not going to be an overnight deal. Dave


New member
Their website advises a waiting period of 8 - 10 months before they can begin work on a gun plus another 8 - 10 weeks for the work to be completed. They advise their customers to hang on to their guns until they're ready to begin work.

I'm thinking of something along the lines of replacing the adjustable target sights with something akin to the Novaks that I have on my 1911. That would essentially convert the gun into a fixed sight gun but that wouldn't bother me in the least if C & S can regulate the sights for 158gr. Magnums at 25 yards. What I'm looking for, in short, is something that is easy to acquire and not susceptible to false sight pictures.

I've also looked at Hamilton Bowen's website. I'm sure that he could do something like this as well, but at prices that are even higher than those charged by C & S.

What do you guys think?


New member
I also have guns Hamilton has done, his work is superb. C&S, Bowen, etc are more full on custom builders than 'plain' gunsmiths. The work you are seeking to have done can be done for less and faster by the latter. I don't have a name in mind, but I am sure some of the others at this forum should be able to supply names. Dave

DT Guy

New member
Years and years ago, I bought a C&S safety for a Browning HP, and couldn't follow the instructions (very good instructions, I might add) that came with it.

I finally broke down and called C&S for a bit of advice, and got Bill L. himself on the phone. Now, I'm a 21 year old kid who bought a $30 (I think that's what it was then) part, remember.

Long story, short, AN HOUR later Bill had walked me through fitting the safety, reassembling and function checking it; he acted like I was the only customer he'd ever had, and acted like he had all day to help me fit that part.

Years later I interviewed Bill for some articles, and mentioned that; he chuckled, and downplayed it-just part of the job, he said.

C&S is one of those rare places in this day and age; they do it right, and charge what it takes to do it right, and what it takes to support it fully. I don't think you can go wrong with their work-



1. Have your local gunsmith install a V notch rear. If he cant do that find another gunsmith:D

2. Assuming he can, then have him mill off the front sight blade, slot the ramp and pin a Fiber Optic Front sight in.

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