Anyone from Pennsylvania?


New member
I'm considering moving to Pennsylvania from NYC within the next year. I'm interested in the area around I80 near the NJ border. My job will be moving to Jersey City by the end of the year, and I'd be commuting there from PA.

I was wondering what everyone thinks of the area. Are there any good ranges and gun stores in that area? Are there any special gun laws there? PA seems to be very gun friendly(especially compared to NYC). How difficult is it to obtain a CCW permit in PA?
Is it true that it only costs $19? Also, since I'm looking to buy my first house, if you own several acres of property are you allowed to target shoot on your own land?

Christopher Nemeth


New member
Yes PA. is very gun friendly :) Don't remember what I paid to renew my gun permit but it's good for 5yrs. They are easy to obtain and not very expensive. As far as owning land and shooting on it,that's up to the Borough or Township that you reside in whether or not they have an ordinance against it.I don't know of any special or prohibitive gun laws on the books,As I said very gun friendly. I can't identify with the area you are talking about unless you name some towns. I live outside of Reading in Berks County. There are plenty of good gun shops,smiths and ranges around here.
PA is a good state,I was born and raised here.I can't say much bad about it. Now that I hope will change when I retire because I'm looking to go to Arizona to spend some time before I expire. I'm tired of the cold and the winter months.
Hope this helps,Any other questions don't be afraid to ask :) As our State motto use to be
"You've Got a Friend in Pennsylvania. ;)

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited July 16, 2000).]

Blue Jays

New member
Hi Chris-

Friends from that area have told me that the eastbound trip on Route 78 or Route 80 (I don't know the area well enough to know where you're going...) in the morning is BRUTAL and the westbound trip is just as bad in the afternoon. Don't let the real estate agent trick you into taking the drive to look for homes on a sunny Sunday afternoon! Drive that route when you know you will be driving those particular roads...

I've got friends in the greater-Reading metropolitan area and it is certainly as gun-friendly a place as you can find on the East Coast! That part, you'll love!

Some people in my company's main office take the Amtrak train from Philadelphia to Penn Station in a reasonable amount of time. There is some sort of light-rail/subway system called the PATH that can go to Hoboken (big Frank Sinatra fan) and I think somewhere in Jersey City.


~ Blue Jays ~


New member
As a transplanted New Yorker I say "come on down". I guess you`re thinking of the Poconos, Wayne County, maybe Pike. Getting a bit expensive and yuppiesh. :( I live about 45-50 miles west of the NJ border south of 80. It`s about a 2 1/2 hour drive into Queens.
We have our share of "planned communities" (see Fuds` rant elsewhere) so it depends on what your needs are. Going south towards Reading is nice but also expensive. I78 is a horror story. I know grown troopers who would cry when given that post!
Send me an e if you want the outsiders perspective. :D


New member
come on down :),
i am a PA chauvanist, you may wish to think about the harrisburg area numerous folk live here and AMTRACK to PHIL and back every day.
cost of living and housing should be 1/3 to 1/2 of the pocano/northumberland co. area.
the sherrifs of dauphin and cumberland county are very gun friendly. plus there are about 9 gun clubs within a 10 mile area.

current prices
70 year old duplex in new cumberland(suburb) 80k
70 year old duplex on regina st in harrisburg(the bomb zone) 17k
loaf of bread $.67
gal of regular $1.55

cheaper and more expensive housing in the small towns and developments ranging from 30k salt box in marysville to 3000sq. ft. on 3 acres out side of lisburn for 450k.

no i am not a real estate agent ,nor have i ever played on on TV


Staff Alumnus
PA is very gun friendly. The last I checked, a CCW costs $21. As long as you have a clean record, getting a CCW is easy.

There are lots of good private ranges all over the state. The cost for membership varies from area to area. The two I belong to costs me $45 TOTAL a year for unlimited trap shooting, pistol, rifle, indoor, etc.

1911 Addiction
"The tree of liberty will grow only when watered by the blood of tyrants."


New member
Also, there should be no special gun laws in your particular region of Pennsylvania. Act 17, passed in 1995, pre-empted all local gun laws. The only laws on guns are contained in state (and federal) law.

That was a real help for people living in Philadelphia. I seem to recall registration, a six round (!) magazine limit and other stupid kinderspiel.

That said, check with local authorities on shooting in your backyard. As I mentioned on GT, my buddies and I used to go plinking in our backyards all the time, and we never got hassled. But times are different now, I guess.

I belong to the Atglen Sportsmen's Club, which is just off Route 41 near Octorara High School but that's way far from where you are going to live. Check maybe there is something you can find within your area.

There are some specialty matches within striking distance of your new home as well. There are two annual IPSC three gun matches, one near Allentown and one in York. The York match has been moved to September 3, so you can still make it. The Allentown range also hosts a yearly IPSC pocket gun match. Pictures on my web site if you're interested.

Not a legal opinion or legal advice.



Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

[This message has been edited by jthuang (edited July 17, 2000).]


New member
I was born and raised in York, PA near the Maryland border. I'm now a prisoner in CA.

In York PA gun ownership and use was and still is considered a rite of passage among many communities. You either hunt white tail deer, or you help eat them. There is unfortunately a growing anti-contingent that is strategically attacking the "assault weapon" and pistol owners, effectively splitting the ranks between the deer hunters and all others.

Good Luck

Hey Bob!

Careful what you say about Marysville, I was born and raised there, Dude! :)

Oh, and you may want to keep an eye peeled for the October book fair in York. It's very likely going to be the last one. My mother has had it with the other partner.

I'll try to remember to e-mail you closer to the date.

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.


New member
Thanks for for the info so far. It helps alot. I'm glad to hear the Pa is a great place to live. I'm also glad to hear that it is a simple process to get a CCW permit in PA. Does the permit require you to use only a specific gun, or can you use any gun that you own?

I work during the 4PM to 12AM shift for my company now, so the commute shouldn't be too bad.


New member
You can only conceal handguns, short-barreled shotguns and short-barreled rifles. This assumes that SBS and SBR is legal (i.e., you've got your tax stamp, etc.).

It is unclear to me whether a full-auto can be carried with a PA CCL. I would say if that full-auto is a SBR (or SBS, who knows, someone could chop down a USAS-12) then it would be permissible to carry concealed with a license. Otherwise, if it's a M16A2 with 20" barrel, you probably could not carry it concealed, even with a license.

Notice that a Pennsylvania CCL does not allow you to carry concealed a conventional rifle or shotgun. This means that any PA CCL holders transporting such weapons in their vehicles must unload said weapons before transport.

Not a legal opinion or legal advice.



Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jthuang:
You can only conceal handguns, short-barreled shotguns and short-barreled rifles. This assumes that SBS and SBR is legal (i.e., you've got your tax stamp, etc.).

It is unclear to me whether a full-auto can be carried with a PA CCL. I would say if that full-auto is a SBR (or SBS, who knows, someone could chop down a USAS-12) then it would be permissible to carry concealed with a license. Otherwise, if it's a M16A2 with 20" barrel, you probably could not carry it concealed, even with a license.

Notice that a Pennsylvania CCL does not allow you to carry concealed a conventional rifle or shotgun. This means that any PA CCL holders transporting such weapons in their vehicles must unload said weapons before transport.

Not a legal opinion or legal advice.





New member

I see you're in Philadelphia too. I'm moving here and would appreciate some info.
1) what are the requirements to purchase a firearm/handgun in PA?
2) can I get a CCW easily in Philadelphia?
3) are there any good places nearby to shoot?
4) are there any good gunshops nearby?
5) are there any good gunshows nearby as well?



New member
Has anyone noticed that the Republicans chose a "gun friendly" state (PA) to hold their convention, while the Democrats chose a "gun hating" state (CA)??? Wassup with that ,mmmmmmm???? Could it be that even the sites were chosen to reflect the difference in views concerning liberty, and the Constitution????


Yeah, I got a permit to carry,it's called the friggin Constitution.---Ted Nugent

"Glock 26: 17 rounds of concealed carry DEATH comming your way from out of nowhere!!! THAT'S FIREPOWER, BABY!!!"