Anyone from Oklahoma City?


New member
I'm looking into applying for the Oklahoma PD. Can any of you comment on the area, the department, crime rate, or any other facet that would give me a pro/con on my decision.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
NRA lifer


New member
I am. I'm not a LEO but I do have personal contacts in many LE agencies in OK. Personally I would choose OHP over OCPD but thats just me. Too much politics and too much petty crime crap to deal with. This decision is easily made after riding with OCPD and OHP.

Are you an OK resident? Got any LEO experience? Send me some e-mail and I can get you in touch with the former police chief and some current officers if you like.

Best of luck!

"When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, but he who restrains his lips is wise."
--Proverbs 10:19


New member
Well the area is fairly decent over-all. The downtown area is starting to really shape up and crime isn't real bad. I guess it all depends on the side of town you live and work on. There are some bad areas but it sure aint Compton. As fas as the OCPD, I respect them and they haven't bothered me. The only times they have stopped me was when I asked for it by speeding.


In years past I have been faced with this same delima regarding whether I wanted to apply to a certain department. One of the things that I found that helped me more than anything was to subscribe to the local newspaper.
As far as the suggestion regarding applying to the OHP instead, personally I wouldn't. It depends on what you like to do. I am not familiar with the OK HP but in MO they primarily write tickets and investigate accidents. Many enjoy that and I'm happy to have them. However to me at least I see the job as working more for the insurance companies and making money for the state than doing police work. No disrespect intended to any highway patrol officers but if my shift consisted of nothing more than this I would eventually jump off an over pass from boredom. To each their own.



New member
Thanks gunslinger, I feel the same. However as much as I want to be envolved in city type police work I don't want to do drug raids in Miami Florida.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
NRA lifer


New member
They are both good organizations. However, OCPD pays much better than OHP. City politics are a fact of life in a big city PD. However, you probably won't even get to the interview stage with OHP unless you are very well connected.

It was only very recently that OHP Troopers began wearing body armor and having caged backseats in their cars. The culture at OHP used to have troopers believing that they were bulletproof and invincible.

Tulsa PD is another good department. It pays better than OHP or OCPD. It requires a BA dgree though.