Anyone feel mellow between Xmasand NY?


New member
I don't know if we're "on the same vibe" (did I express that right?), but I too get the feeling of a time out. Most people's work schedules are more laid back at this time of year, a number of businesses are closed for a number of days. It's *almost* like the hectic rush calms for a week after xmas and pre-New Year.

The rat race takes a checkered flag, and the rats get a chance to take a few breather laps.

Just to pound this feeling home, I'm going hunting for the next 3 days :D


New member
Let's see. I spent 9 hours yesterday, and I'll be spending another 4 hours today at a local union hall doing some computer work for them. Every one in the whole dam* place has a Gore coffee mug, and there's pictures of Alfred E, Newman morphed to look like W hanging all over the place. Every workstation in the building has the names of all the local gun grabbing Democrats office/fax numbers so that contributions can be sucked off of the regular Joe and Jane six packs that pay thier dues, and funnelled right into the Dem pockets.


Bwahhhaaahhhhaaaaaa! Yeah right! The worst part is that while I'm handling this account, "Lucy the liberal" is doing work for one of my better Republican soft money orgs.

Talk about irony!:confused: