Anyone every order from Precision Ammunition?


New member
I've never heard of them (which is a bad sign in itself), but judging from their web site, I wouldn't touch them with a 10-foot pole. They provide no information at all about their loads, whether they're reloads or not (I assume they are), or what the shipping charges are. For $14 more per thousand, you can get new S&B delivered to your door from Why take the chance?


New member

I agree with your thinking. I'm perfectly willing to spend the extra for S&B (or Blazer for that matter). Just wanted to see if this was some unknown gem that I had previously overlooked. I think I'll wait another day for some other TFLer to tell us both that this is the best thing since sliced bread but other wise I'm calling AMMOMAN like usual.

Thanks for the input.

- Jawper


New member
I've bought a lot of Precision Ammo at gun shows in the Central Florida area. They are selling reloads, but the quality is very good and I've had no problems with their 9mm, .38Spec, .357, .45 and .40 Liberty. I've gotten to know the folks and they're honest and reliable. I'd recommend Precisions and will continue to use it.