anyone ever seen the straight pull bolt Czech 22 rifle ???

FIL collected Czech rifles BRNO & CZ... we inherited his collection, & interest in those rifles... I bolstered the collection with a semi auto 22 Magnum, & a nice 22 Hornet bolt action... along with several others... one of which, is a straight pull bolt action 22... rifle seems kinda cheesy to me ( maybe it's just misunderstood ??? )

I'm curious if anyone else has one, or has ever seen one ???

I'm actually thinking about selling it at the next gun show, as there are so many better bolt actions & only so much room in that section of the collection, & I already have more than I actually have room allowed for... I'd like to add a 7.62 X 39 bolt action, but to do so, I'd need to part with another rifle...

for those that haven't seen one, it's a detachable magazine rifle with a pretty plain wood stock, & a straight pull bolt... I bought it dirt cheap, probably because when I bought it, if you cocked it, & put it on safe, it would fire, when the safety was released... it didn't look like it had ever been fired though... I had my gun smith buddy adjust it, & perhaps the previous owner adjusted it to lighten the trigger, that cause the firing pin drop off safety ??? anyway, it seems to work OK now...

even though it seems cheesy ( or misunderstood :) ) it is most unusual, which is why I bought it in the 1st place...


New member
Sounds like a Brno ZOM 451. I have one, I bought it on clearance. It's a nice light package and usually Brnos are top quality, but it turns out that many of them were thrown together without proper fitting when the Brno factory went out of business. Mine required hours of stoning and polishing in order to smooth it enough to operate the bolt with one hand. Then it had trouble feeding, which I cured with a very hard to find new magazine. Then it gave lousy accuracy.

I keep it around as a sort of "Project Sow's Ear", in the hope that I'll live long enough to get the bugs out and end up with a gun that lives up to the package's promise. We'll see.
I've not put it to a target yet, to know how it shoots as far as accuracy... my bolt does cycle nicely... my rifle's issues seemed to stem from adjustments, or lack there of:confused: at the time I was interested in the straight pull bolt Swiss rifle, & ran across this BRNO, & of course it was Czech, so I thought I better buy it... might have to put it to a target, to see how it does, before it sees the gun show table...

any thoughts as to what one might be worth, as a curiosity ???

as a BTW...

do you guys see 22 LR guns going down in real sell value at all, with how hard ammo still seems to be, to purchase, for the last "over a year" ???

Smokey Joe

New member

Imagine The Gunny here: "Son, you forgot to post pictures of your new weapon!!"

And we'll also be needing a range report...