Anyone else rely on the P-38?


New member
Believe it or not one of my bedside pistols is my 1943 Walther (all matching
numbers) P-38, loaded with W-W Silvertips. I am of German ancestry, German surnamed, this is my one way of connecting with Das Vaterland.
This pistol feels good in my hand, points well, and is accurate despite a somewhat rough bore. Yes, I know it's SOOO yesterday and for all I know
it's a violation of some obscure law to compel an ex POW to bear arms
(hey, I paid for it.)


New member
I've always loved the way they fit my hand and point. I've never shot one but they seem to be quite inexpensive around here ($299, last time I checked). What is the scoop on these guns?


New member
They were intended as the Wehrmacht's replacement for the P08 Luger, designed for ease of manufacture, were a favorite souvenir of GIs in the ETO.
After the establishment of the Federal Republic, the Germans put it back into
production w/some modifications-an aluminum frame, mainly-as the P-1, was their issued military handgun into the 1980s or so.


New member
A 9mm hollow point is a 9mm hollow point.
It doesn't matter if it's fired by a 65 year old surplus pistol or the very latest "Super Gun" costing thousands.


New member
The P38 has several innovative attributes that make it suitable for heavy duty use. The simplicity of take-down and reassembly, the unenclosed barrel, decocker/safety, and out of the box accuracy and dependability make them real work horses. My carry gun in the early 1970's was a new 1969 model. It was my first autoloader and fared well with the rest of the available selections at the time. Mine slid across pavement, smacked a couple noggins, was submerged in muddy water, and once buried in sand. Always worked and looked good.

Eventually I gave up the James Bond image for Dirty Harry when I picked up my model 29. Now, thinking back... that P38 was a very reliable gun.


New member
If that platform turns you on, I myself would not want to fully depend on an old wartime pistol for home defense, except as a backup or last ditch. Besides it is collectable if all matching. What you ought to do is retire that one and keep it as an heirloom. Then go to a gun show and get one of the recently imported P-1 pistols. Same basic gun but modern production, sort of a poor mans P-38(price a commercial blued finished one!) You should be picky, some of the imports are well worn refurbs while others are new in box never fired like mine. Mine was made in 86 and I still have not fired it. Get the one with the reinforcement steel hex cross piece in the frame for durability. That is a later feature, as well as the nicer wide sights with the white dots. They are not that expensive and you might get a virgin gun with a perfect bore or something close. Mine has a very nice trigger pull too.


New member
Being a Steel and Walnut man, I would want a new one only if it had a steel frame, and my understanding is they are few and far between and hence pricey. Also my understanding is the cross bolt was necessary to reinforce the aluminum frame (They should have stayed with steel.) On the other hand
the new ones will take the .22 Conversion Unit, doesn't fit on the old ones, alas.


New member
well as long is its the L moddle and up that have the dive flaps you should be fine. just be sure to expect loss of elevator and Ailiron athority do to compressibility issues at high speeds.

Read up here

and yes im tryn to be funny


New member
Not the P38 per se, but I have been known to hoof the Walther P5, which is the son of the P38!!! :cool:



New member
Nothing wrong with a P-38 as a home defense or carry gun. The BHP is older and many CCW that. In fact I've carried an early WWII vintage Mauser P-08.


New member
The P-38 is a masterpiece of engineering. I've had one since my
Marine Corps days, and I still keep it handy.



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New member
Wonderful pistols but if I ever had to use it I would be very upset knowing that it was being mistreated in an evidence locker for six months to a year. Lock that masterpiece in your safe.

44 AMP

I have always relied on my P-38s

Never had one break, and always opened every C-ration can I used them on. Fingers did get kind of tired sometimes, though!:D


New member
The 1st pistol I ever bought was a new P-38 back in the '60s. Didn't like the big tolerances in the way it was made and sold it soon thereafter. Had a WW2 version also that I got rid of.


New member
Always relied on my trusty Boy Scout knife to open C-rations. I have a good
selection of both the older small size and newer large size P-38s. (harharhar)
And since all of my handguns are quality ones, "heirlooms", perhaps I should get some of these books on how to make your own zip gun, let them sit in
an evidence locker.


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While not a P38 per say, I used to conceal carry a Walther P4, the shorter barrel P38 with the decocker only, even put wood grips on it, my friends used to say that was old school...